Went out today at about 3 o'clock. It was overcast, pouring down rain with 15 mph winds. It was a steady rain most of the afternoon, and I kept thinking "If only this rain would break...". Had only seen two does (200 yards away at around 4:30) and then around 5:45 it finally broke and I thought to myself, "alright, it's time!". So I sat there for a bit and then at around 6:15 I looked out into the field and there he was- a 160" with a 10 point frame not including the 3 or 4 big kickers coming off his bases! The catch was, he was 322 yards away. He was heading East, and I needed him to come North. Guess what? He came my way! He came haulin' ass too! I got my bow, ranged the shooting lane he was headed towards (lane is 30 yards!) and as he hit about 40 yards I got ready to draw. I'm thinkin' "This dude is smoked!" I was wrong! He all of a sudden veered off to his left and entered the woods on a big run which gave me no shot. But then it clicked for me, this run split in several directions, one running 25 yards past my stand (broadside) leading to the bean field I was hunting. I thought for sure he was gonna hit the field through this corner, so I got myself situated and ready to draw once I saw him.... he never showed. I waited til 7:30 to get down (dark at 7) so I would have the cover of darkness to get out with, but he never did hit the field. While I was watching this buck, I looked out in the field he came from, and there stood another 130" buck at about 200 yards. I was so pumped but at the same time bummed! The positives are that he didn't wind me, didn't see me, and he had no clue I was there. I WILL be in that stand again tomorrow night with my fingers crossed!!!
Good luck, I hope you get him. Hey, if you get down my way this fall and want to try a hunt at the CCCA let me know.
So I was hunting Green/black dot. I hung this stand thinking that anything to the South would funnel up those wood lines to get to that bean field that I'm on the edge of. Now the buck's route is the green line I drew. He was heading North for the most part and entered the woods where the green line meets the turquoise dot. I'm just trying to figure out where he went now. I wonder if he cut that corner off and headed to the main field (the field that looks like a gun, LOL). If that's the case I wonder if I should try to hunt him at that yellow dot that's circled in red? Just thinking out loud! What ya guys think!?