LOL I see I started a post a day or so ago then left it. Well no deer yet and nothing close save a fox and racoon. Will sit the blind for turkey again tomorrow if wind is good. If not may take the chair bind out to a spot they've walked through. Deer or not hunting has been fun. Not feeling desperate yet!
New neighbor update. So I mentioned a while back we got a new guy at the corner of our land on the road down the hill. A bit over a half mile away, more 3/4. Anyways talking to him realized complete putts and trespassor. Had to go down and reinstall posted signs only behind him. Well he's across from another nieghbors land that lives even farther down the hill. When we got pics of him and his dogs on our place I about flipped. It wasn't down by him NO...up here and in the middle of my woods. Instead of confronting him...there's a plan to that. I had a chat with the nieghbors across from him. That worked perfect ! Not only did they post heavy, they're watching him. Well she came up yesterday with news and angry. He is messing with her place. Had a great 1 1/2 hour chat. Then she returned late in the afternoon..holy crap mad. The stuff she removed showed back up hours later. She went a knocking. No uncertain terms told the wife they are to stay the F off her property! Then went and had a chat with his immediate nieghbors. Apparently they bought a postage stamp and think they own the hill. He's managed to tick off every single person around him in less than a month. I have everyone watching our place now. See when I end up having to get the law involved, and I know I will, I have every intention of doing so with plenty of back up. Plus less work for me having people living down there keep an eye out. I knew from talking to him it wasn't going to be long before he ticked off the wrong The older I get the smarter I am
That is an excellent way to bond with neighbors. Kick his ass. (not actually kick his ass, but make it known his **** will not be tolerated)
Yep I only needed to talk to two hard core land owning nieghbors. And they then talked to a few more. Apparently his dogs run wild and that got him chewed. Then he bought chickens and is allowing them to run all over crapping in his nieghbors yards. He's pounding stakes on the land ACROSS THE ROAD from him. Laugh out loud. The next thing will be the kids. Which is another reason I got back up. Not a pot to -iss in and If those kids get on our place and hurt. I am not going to spend a fortune fighting him, nor would he get a Penney from me.
First sit in the first enclosed blind I ever made back in 2010. Now mind you I have done nothing to it in 9 seasons. I made it from a packing crate, sided and roofed in nothing more than cardboard a camo tarp and duct tape. The windows are thin plexiglass and 2 are cardboard. The door is cardboard as well. I have a clothe office chair in it and it is always dry. Killed a few deer and well over a dozen turkey from this blind. This coming year it gets a make over and moved. Lots of great memories here. Well got the turkeys talking again .
Today I went to ole reliable . It's a stand I've shot many a deer from. It's in the far lower corner of property about a half mile walk. Today that half mile was a struggle. Maybe due to time change, or plain ole too much hunting. I almost stopped at the enclosed blind, my having to rest so many times had me running late. Just as I got to the stand I spooked a deer rt. Under stand. It blew and stomped and circled behind me Just as I sat a deer came in on my left but I couldn't make out what it was. It move up the hill and Being close to open I rattled and called. A few mins later this 3 almost 4 pt showed up and fed on maple leaves coming down the hill towards me.I have passed way bigger buck than him and way older. Today there was no pass I'm tired. No doe in day light and that corn field is still not cut. Deciding to take a smaller buck I'd rather take a much smaller than a good young 6 or 8 of the same age. I'm more a meat than horn hunter ,though I enjoy seeing the bigger deer. Shot placement and fast kills are my biggest goal he went 10 yrds then laid down dying fast. This meat will be great! Tomorrow I get to work on quartering him and doing some cutting. Then in a few days out for a doe and zeroing in the shot gun and 243 .
My there is Good in all that's bad... I was really concerned about that whole being exhausted yesterday. It was seriously an ominous feeling. Being 62 ,active but not small, I was a tad worried. Until last night. It dawned on me as I lay under the covers in thermals shaking and coughing a Halloween visit from grandkids. Oldest with a cold, youngest with an ear infection , Mom with strep throat. The joys of oldest first year of school. Even if this ends up being's not my