Well my daily commute is walking my brothers dog. This morning we saw a variety of ducks, geese, muskrats, 2 beavers, geese, crows, grey and red squirrels, chipmunks, turkeys, a couple hawks, 2 game wardens(because the season is closed and the walleyes are spawning in the creek). We then took a ride and saw a half dozen deer and more turkeys and lesser critters. You name it, we pretty much see it sometime. Oh, I forgot about the woodchuck....groundhogs to some of you.
10 miles one way and in a week about 40 deer 20 turkeys 1 coon yotes are far and in between but have seen them..Rabbits most of the time dead on the side of the road.. Walt
A 13 mile one way commute.I see deer every day,morning and afternoon.6 or 7 a day I would guess.Turkeys occaisionally,geese,wood chucks,hawks buzzards,squirrels,a bear about once or twice a year,coyotes once or twice a year.
I have about a 20 mile commute. It's mostly suburbs and city driving so not mush wildlife that isn't stuck to the road.