See everyone when you arrive!!! If anyone needs anything let me know! I'll have arrows flying this afternoon and fire raging tonight! Any locals that want to stop by today give me a ring!
Have a blast guys, I really wish I could make it this year but with my wife out of a job and a bathroom renovation project thats half done, I just couldn't justify the airfare this year. Take lots of pics!
May be we will meet for first time next year Rick James! To bad you could not be here and I am talking my camera so I will lots of pics.
Well, I am packed and ready to head out! All I have to do is get gas and head that way! See you all in the morning! I am setting my fantasy baseball guys now that way I dont lose. I am starting off the weekend on a win so watch out you all! My daughters team won tonight 1-0! Woot Woot! They all played well and very proud of them!