I bought an old Indian Archery wooden long bow on e-bay. It appears to be in good shape but did not come with a string. I know nothing about wood long bows I was thinking of having a string made and shoot it a few times before I put it on display, any areas I should inspect to see if it is safe to shoot?
Check the limbs for cracks, delamination and straightness. Look at the tips to be sure they are sound. It's basic common sense of sound structure. Get a string for it of the proper length. String it slowly. After it's strung look it over again for soundness. Draw it slowly and listen for popping, creaking and questionable sounds. A usable bow should be absolutely soundless on the draw. Most old bows are perfectly usable and shootable if they have been taken care of. The biggest enemy of trad bows is being left strung in a hot automobile, stored in a hot attic or stood in a corner. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks for the info I really want to shoot this old bow before I hang it up and display it. I also bought an old quiver and wooden arrows too, interesting to see how it all shoots.