Deer season starts October 1. Screw these whitetails though. I got elk on my mind! Leave a week from Friday! Can't believe it still.
I'll probably regret not buying a mule deer tag but my wife wouldn't have been happy with the extra $400. Lol
Man... you should've got that muley tag!! You'll probably see hundreds of them since you did't get it.
I know. I'll probably only see muleys and black bears. Lol. I'll do my best to update you guys while I'm out there. I probably won't have much service. But I'll text Brett a few times and he can give you the scoop!
I've spent a lot of time on the piece to the North. Have a few spots that caught my eye but it will still be a trial and error year. A lot of spots would keep most hunters away so that's a positive. I've seen some hunter sign but it was along the road with easy access. Once season begins I'll be able to see where everyone is concentrated.
MN season starts saturday. I'm hoping to get in a saturday morning/evening sit then I'm off to Idaho for two weeks after elk.
Man...I am jealous of all you guys going elk hunting! Good luck and can't wait to see the pics of the big bulls.
It's a dream come true for me. I've been saying that I'm going to go for too long amd said enough is enough. Thankfully I have an understanding wife who is putting up with all the money spent and me rambling on and on about the mountains! I hope to have a picture of me climbing a mountain with antlers coming out of my pack but it will be no easy task. KILL!!!!
Feels great doesn't it! With the moisture we're having the corn and beans sure are showing no signs of drying up. On a normal year the beans are yellow by opener.
Even with all our moisture here in western WI a lot of our beans are already yellow. Love the temps...Saturday morning is supposed to be 34 degrees!