Never got to hunt there, but ive fished there and pretty good fishing. the perch are supposed to be the largest in the state. there is a tract of land on the north side that's perfect for deer fields all around it. seen deer across the lake while we were fishing. not sure if its pressured or not, im sure if it is its just the locals, and its bow only so who knows
Just found out Friday my back surgery is on the 24th of Sept. Won't get to hunt this year....maybe January, but doubtful...... But I'll still be on here to see what yall guys knock down and congratulate for them...anxious to see if anyone post deer from thunderbird...I know there is good size deer there I've seen them
That's too bad Martin Sabre, my neighbor is having hip surgery in a few weeks and he's out for the season too. I'll make sure to fill a tag for you guy LOL.
Just scanned through last years posts and man did the Oklahoma boys and girls take out some nice deer! I finished up the season with 4 does and 1 buck. Such a great season last year, I learned so many lessons in my 3rd season that I plan to apply to this season. I definitely need new cold weather gear, last winter I froze all day everyday. We've got 14 more days until the opener and I just CAN NOT wait to use my new Elite to let the air out of a monster!!!
I was reading last night about smoke for a cover scent on one of the threads. I really think this might work pretty good as deer smell it pretty much during cold seasons with fireplaces and such.. if you read the thread there were people that did it to try to disprove it but it actually worked for them. when I get to hunt again, im definitely going to try it a few times myself to see if it works. supposed to be able to work even up wind from the deer... worth checking out for the read if nothing else
My Dad has used smoke for years as a cover. He just puts a pile of leaves in the firepit, lights them, and dances around the fire LOL!
Well had my alif on my back done on th 24 th, and got home about 7 or 8 pm on the 26 th... Ohhhhh mannnnn did I say it is sore? They said it will get better with time I'm sure. They had to go through th front side and back side also so I'm pretty tender......thank god for pain meds......don't think I could handle it without them..they said I'll go in for my checkup in four weeks to see my progress,hopefully will be good news. If by January I'm healed enough I may be able to take slow hunting trips till the fifteenth whe season ends here. Would have to take some one with me incase I got one to help me drag it back or maybe get the warden to feel sorry tor me and help way I'm taking it easy for next year's hunts so I can make the best of them......yall get out there and knock down some trophies for me!.....later.......Derik
3 more alarm clocks boys and girls! Have lots of pics with 3 or 4 different groups of deer coming in to the Nutra Deer, ready to take my 2 does on the first day so I can hunt a big boy for the rest of the season.
Well it's here! Barometric pressure sitting at 29.80, S wind at 6 mph, I pray that you all are safe, and that your blood trails are short and wide!
Most certainly rather be in the woods for 12 hours! if I wasn't in the middle of a big project, I'd be in a tree...
If I were a pessimist I would say both of my vacation days/hunts were wasted. Wednesday I hunted in the evening with my Dad, about 615pm a tweeker neighbor of mine came walking through the woods, throwing rocks and screaming at his pit bull that wasn't leashed, then told me that hunting in city limits was illegal (I'm permitted) and he was going to call the law, the game warden, and the landowner and refused to leave until I got down. Today I got soaking wet, got beat to hell by walnuts b/c I'm a jackass and hung my stand in a walnut tree, then got blown at on the way out... First opener in 4 years that I didn't tag a doe. ALTHOUGH I'm super hopeful that letting the tweeker know that he can be fined and even arrested for harassment of a sportsman, and harassment of wild game will keep him away from the area. Super frustrating couple of days but I'm ready for that cold front Saturday morning!!! Anyone else have any good luck?