The real question.. did the doe identify as a buck, lol. That's two in two years, I remember someone shot one last year. Kinda neat.
I had a bunch of does, fawns and younger bucks pass by me in a transition from an oak flat to the food plot. Sat from 0545-1100 and the 1530-1945. Think I saw a shooter pass through the woods about an hour after sunrise way out range and moving. Sunday morning was a pretty much a repeat. The last days of October are going to be good I think.
Where I'm at in Leflore County, the buck sign is blowing up. Rubs and scrapes everywhere. I think it's shaping up to be a good rut.
Hope all of y'all are able to make it out to the stand tomorrow morning. After these last two days of rain they should be moving tomorrow!!
I hunted in it until 11:30 this morning. Ended up seeing 2 bucks and a doe and two littles. I think tomorrow will be on fire!
All too small. I did have a shooter at 25 yards last night. Only passed because I have a bigger deer I’m after. I may end up regretting that. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's getting cooler...I am hunting this weekend, hopefully 2 full days. Let me hear some opinions on deer scent if you use them: Would November 3rd be too early for Doe Estrus scent? Or would a little buck urine be more effective?
Estrous, rattles and estrus bleats. It's chasing stage and rattling brings them in ear range , estrous brings them in from far
I'll end up breaking out a little dab of James Valley "Wallhanger" dominant buck gland lure this weekend. Seems to always work well during pre rut.
It's setting up to be a perfect weekend. I'd really like to bow hunt but my Son drew a rifle tag at Pushmataha that starts tomorrow. So we're headed down there early in the morning. Hopefully he kills a big one.