I dont feed to much corn. The corn like plants in the plot are sorghum and millet. After it headed out this year they ate the tops off and started eating the leaves, first time I've ever seen that. I mostly feed a protein pellet but I have been mixing corn in with it and they go through about 600lbs every 12 days..
You've got really hungry deer or a bunch of them! I'd go broke putting that much out. I do like a bag or two a week.
I catch hell from the wife but if it wasn't deer feed it would be something else I'm sure. I always threaten to get horses and show her a real feed bill..
Haha I hear you. I bought four 50 lb bags today at 7.50 a piece. I usually buy that about every week from here till the end of rifle. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Whose planting this weekend? State Fair starts next week so bring on the rain! Decided to keep the plots simple this year, triticale, turnips and winter peas.
Planting winter mix, and starting a couple scrapes. Using Code Blue scrape mate for first time so we will see how they respond.
We brought a big water tank and watered the heck out of it. I'll do it again in a day or so. I had to plant this weekend as I'll be headed elk hunting next week and it was the only time I had to do it.
Whereabouts you headed elk hunting? I'm going to New Mexico the end of October for an elk hunt with the boomstick.
Headed to Colorado. My dad lives out there so I usually try to go every other year or so. I was going to buy a rifle tag this year but decided to stick with the bow.
Thanks! I'm just ready to get out of the OK heat! It was snowing in the mountains yesterday. I did see we have some cooler temps coming in arounf the 21st. Hopefully that will be the last of summer.
Woohoo! Bring on those cold fronts!! I didnt make it out yet and it's looking like Saturday before I will have time but it's lining up like a great weekend.
After striking out in Colorado on Elk I'm ready to get out this weekend and get a deer down. Only problem is I have zero bucks on camera. I do have 7 million doe though. Last year the bucks waited until oct 20 or so to show up.
Hey everyone! Well, I'm back since the season is finally open now. We acquired a new lease out west in Alfalfa Co., and I just returned from a 3 day hunt out there with my dad and brother, but we didn't get on the board. We saw plenty of movement at first light, but nothing was close enough to send an arrow. All is good though. It looks like a promising season out there! I hope everyone is enjoying the deer woods so far. Lots of season left. Let's GET IT!!!!