Bow- 3 Does Gun- 1 Buck Jeff, when did you become ASAT camo hunting staff? I never noticed that before.?
2x eight pointers, one with a gun, one with a bow. Also scored on one doe so far. Have a family GTG this upcoming weekend in PA and may slip out for an evening hunt if the wind is right on my turnip plot, I have one more doe tag left.
One young doe with my recurve. One tag only area's really suck! I'm happy to have shot what I got though!!
What calendar are you going by? I took a couple hundred pounds of fish, several small feathery and furry things, four antlerless deer (3 bow, 1 shotgun) and one antlered deer (bow).
My season isn't over just yet, I've got until the 15th. far....... 1 buck, 2 does. 1 buck and 1 doe with my truck.... 1 doe with bow Forgot to mention the yote. Shot one of those as well.
Well if I am allowed to count the doe from this saturday(09) I have with my bow 2 does, a buck & a turkey(jake) And another doe with my 44 mag revolver. And I too have a few more weeks to hunt. May add a shotgun doe(or 2 if I am lucky)