What would the second half of this sentence mean? I'm a bit off today... What would that be, other than a wild turkey??? "Possess live wild turkeys or live birds that are indistinguishable from wild turkeys." - Taken from the NC Regs book.
I would assume it to mean that you are not allowed to possess a turkey of one of the "wild" breeds. They likely don't want people buying easterns and then trying to release them into the wild for fear of disease introduction or just general ineptness since there is a correct way to raise turkeys for re-introduction to the wild. I am going to raise a couple of turkeys for consumption next year and I will be buying Broad Breasted whites. http://www.randallburkey.com/WILD-TURKEYS-QTY5/productinfo/80180/
Oh. I was just wondering what other bird out there "Resembled" a wild turkey? A funny colored peacock? lol. I'd have to shoot that anyways. Can't stand that sound anymore. SOOO ANNOYING!!!!