Jealous of Dubb's! My wife don't hunt, camp, barely goes fishing and can't shoot a bow. Then again it is nice having time away from the wife to hunt, fish and shoot:D
Mushy? All I read into that is that you were bringin the Southern Comfort :D Beating Justin is kinda like making a rock sink... it pretty much happens naturally. Shenanigans it is. All beware.
Amen to that brother. Some guys want to go every place with their spouse, and I love mine. But that time is my time. Hank is just jealous, his wife is the boss, no matter how tough he talks (he only does that when she can't hear him).
Yeah, last time I saw him at Cabela's momma put the look out there and he scampered along. As I was going to my car I saw him leaving in the following ride, wonder if momma will let him bring it to the GTG?
This coming from the guy that hasn't even made one GTG, so I wouldn't be talkn, cuz you can't do the walkn!
Alright let's take Hoyt vs. Bowtech vs. "Other".... How many of each will be in the top 5? 4-Bowtech 1-Hoyt And Justin will come in the top 50 with his "other" :D
Dubbs, good call on the ranking, im betting the same OK I bettin that good ole boy bucko will be heading some of the schanninguns, the dude rolls ganks style, and seems to always be heading referee style all drunkin campout events :D bucko, whats it gonna be this year? dawg, you my friend have no idea what your in store for. just be careful, because the siman boys might make you famous on youtube :D woooo hooo, 1 week away
Dubbya, I have to point out one flaw in your assessment. "Bowtech & Other" can be only in the "top" category, and as we all know that Hoyt can only be in the "bottom" category. :D
Blood! It is all good! As my softball coach T-shirt says "It is all about fun!"! I have more problems with parents getting pissed because I pulled their girl and put in a girl that is not that great. It is just summer league softball and they are 10 years old. How are they to learn on the bench! ALL my girls will play at least half a game EVERY game. IT IS ALL ABOUT FUN and that is why I am ready for the shoot!
Hey Jack, you do not know anyone that hunts and fishes more than I do. No one. I hunt every weekend and two or three nights a week every hunting season. I ice fish nearly every weekend and a night a week as long as the ice is solid. I have the boat out more than most anyone you know. Plus, I do a hog hunt or two a year, I have been on two Buffalo hunts and a few exotic hunts in the past 5 years, plus I take a trip out west nearly every year! Now what! When the wife lets you have the pants back for a couple days, let us all know! Who's doing the walkin' now?
You are fool, cuz I didn't say a word about fishn or huntn. Did I? No read that post again & see where it says, has not made one GTG yet? The smack talk is for those that attend the GTG's! So as they say in the city, STEP OFF JACKO!
panties not in a bind at all. But I believe that smack talk here on the gtg post is for THOSE WHO ATTEND GTG'S! Sorta like the arm chair quaterback, all talk!
I won't be there, I have something important to do that I do every year. I take a little guy to a baseball game for his birthday, and he is too young to go on a week night. But any time you want a shoot out or to compare trophies on the wall, you just let me know. I don't have to go to the GTG to talk smack. It did not seem to bother you when I was talking trash to Raceway earlier and in other threads, hmmmm. Now back to the regular programing.....