Whhoohahaahahahha! Damn, now that one brought tears to my eyes. You climb a tree, ahahahahahahahahh! and kill bucks, ahahahahahahah!!!! Boy, that's a good one!
It's cool Hank, one day you will finally register some bone in the Deer Contest. Until then you will be known as Dances With Ground Blind. This is what it looks like from 20 feet Homie
Speaking of dancing, here is a video of you, Raceway of Dances! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgFK49Wkw5w&feature=related
It's a good thing you have a day job because if you relied on talking smack to pay the bills you'd be living in the projects making grilled cheese sammiches
Just in case you haven't noticed, that all of the posts have been started by you. I just happen to have to finish each line you put out.
He barely works, I am not really sure what he does when he is working because when I see him he's just hanging out at the department.
Hey Raceway you hear something? Sounds like the ghost of "I'll be there at noon", "no wait I'll see around two", "I'll be there for dinner round 5". But as with all ghosts you hear them, but never see them. Of course I'm sure we'll see him at the gtg this year, OR NOT!
Seeing as how Casper owns a Hoyt, I think he's your BrokenHoyt mountaineer man! :D Dubbya gonna be jealous!
I will be sleeping at the Hoyt Hacienda. Air conditioning and a beautiful blond wife to snuggle up with instead of one of your Bowtech Brethren.
Well it's official, plane tickets have been purchased... Miss Jessica will be there to beat Raceway and all you other Hoyt shooters with her Bowtech. I'll collect your man cards and sell them back to you. :D
Dude, she is gonna eat most of the guys up on the 3D course. All is fair at this point so stop trying to get brownie points because she ain't gonna help you cook! Know your role Camp Wench!