I still got 2nd place in the smack down having to hold like a foot above where I wanted to hit... Speaking of excuses, what is all of yours for having taken a spanking from a guy with a screwed up bow! BTW.... You have the arrows on your BAM facing the wrong way..... >>>>>BAM<<<<< is the way to do her right :p
Thanks for correcting the poorly placed BAM arrows bucko! It takes a keen eye to notice that :D That third place rock was briefly mine until I found out you and RJ tied for second and had to have a shoot off rooting me into 4th :D Back up people, Crick is gonna place high, I can feel it! Or is that just drecipid pains from being Old :p
You could always engrave yourself a " badass bowhunter" rock.... That's way cooler than a 1st 2nd or 3rd place rock anyhow :D I noticed a trend... Our first gtg I got a 1st place finish. Second gtg a 2nd place finish. 3rd gtg tired for 2nd in the shoot but got 3rd from the shootout.... Wonder if that means I will get 4th this year?
The only arrows you should be worried about, are the ones that are gonna put you out of the 3D smackdown.
Truth be told with how busy I am with the kid and the fire restoration, I will be lucky if my bow is completely sighted in by then. I shot for the first time in 7 months a couple days ago and I am really limited when I am able to shoot again. I cannot shoot were I am currently staying or I would be able to get more shooting in. As long as I get my bow sighted in before the trip, I Should do well at the shoot.
Getting there on Thursday will be all but impossible. Thanks for the offer my fellow BBKer. I wouldn't even have to show up to beat you big guy! :D
All I gotta say is for anyone camping out the night before get ready cuz I'm showing you how drunk I can get! And I'll still shoot good the next day but I realize I won't take those trophies Everyone Beagle001
Take that goal to another site. We don't need a repeat performance of what we had last yr. I deal with drunks enuf and don't want to spend my days off dealing with more.
I'm pretty sure that guy won a multitude of contests... including the fishing derby, all with that hat. Broke Back is what you cats will be when a Bowtech shootin' girl whoops up on you. And never fear, that hat will be in attendance!
I can't stop laughing at your avatar!!! I just ordered a Destroyer 340 today just for the get together! im pretty pumped
Hank's just jealous of my 20" guns and the fact that I can climb a tree and kill bucks. Hank is a ground and pound kinda hunter.
ohh that must be it!!! i'm excited to listen to you 2 go back and forth at the get together, but hank is a bowtech man so i might have to come to his side a little lol