let's see what the gtg is going to look like: bowtech hoyt at the gtg shoot: in da woods/bowtechraceway/hoyt shooting skills at the gtg: raceway: in da woods: at the gtg award ceremony: raceway in da woods at the end of the gtg shoot: raceway: in da woods: for the rest of the year: raceway in da woods 2011: you know the rest
Just make sure you got gps tracking chips in your arrows so you don't run out. You had the most lost arrows last year and shot a score lower than your iq(70)
Uh! What's this?! Ah, yes, just as I thought, another fair weather band wagoner just like the true Bears fan you are. "I'm down with Hoyt", Yup I'll agree, you can't get any lower than owning a Hoyt. Hoyt fan, rrrriiiiggghhtt. Well, at least you can only go up from owning a turd.
Raceway and In Da Woods before GTG Raceway dancing a jig after In Da Woods eats crow at the GTG Gotta love a short story
I wear Green and Gold and have enough open minded will to try new products. Now back to your cave man ways old timer.
Oh brother, don't tell me your a Packers Fan?!! Being from the land of flats, I thought for sure you'd be a Blue/Orange guy. But like your earlier post, just another bandwagoner. If the Bears ever make it big again, I'm sure you'll be a Bears fan again. As for trying out new things, there are plenty of new Bowtech Bows to pick from, as opposed to Huught, they only make one type, you guessed it; turd.
Never was a fan of the bears, have one shirt that I had to buy because I lost a bet and had to wear it to work
Now I guess it's time to call out the rest of the Nancy's coming/not coming to the gtg. Momighty brothers: no show? heard one of them is selling all his hunting stuff, and since the other has heard that Ferg has been training, he just plain scared. Dubbya being from Brokeback Ok, I don't have to elaborate any more than saying where he's from, except that someone must've messed with Mike's bow causing him to drive his arrah to China! :p Mechdoc, sitting awful quiet in the sidelines. Mmmm, wonder why? Crik, this will be my decade, since you took me out the decade before. :D JMbuckhunter, not much to say, not much competition. Rick James, I think your luck has run out this yr or your just too cheap to buy an airline ticket.
Crik at the GTG Mechdoc at the GTG Newly repaired JM at the GTG Dubbya at the GTG without his BrokeBow Hat Hank at the GTG after getting smoked by everyone above and RWK.
you forgot Raceway at the GTG: first at the 3d smackdown >>>> at the long distance shoot >>>> cheatn at the poker shoot >>>>>> broken arrows at the bionic buck >>>>>> no clays broken at the clay shoot >>>>>>> no prizes won >>>>>>>>> Raceway at all the trophies Team BOWTECH took!
Alright all you panty wearing wannabe bowhunters.... I cleared the calender and will be in the flesh in Garden Prarie for the 2nd annual bowhunter festivites... So basically I am saying it's on, and official... In other words (for you slow types) it's already over and they are going to rename a street in da prarie after me..... Believe that..... I will be bringing da funk, my new haircut, some creamy Baileys and a shoe..... (Possibly some water colors as well)
You bringin a Destroyer as well??? I really want to shoot one and there isn't a Bowtech dealer near me. In Da Kitchen after reading this post.
The 340 will be in tow.... I just shot tonight for the first time in 7 months! It went well... For me that is..... Not so well for you guys come June Just picture me rolling..... Ninja style
Oh..... My mistake..... Based on the title, I thought this was a smacktalk thread. The only talking I hear in here, is the crickets chirping....
It's a good thing you own a Bowtech, otherwise me & gramps Crik would have to school ya for that wisecrack. Oh, by the way, did you get a new rest with the Destroyer 340, cuz you already used that excuse.<<<<<<<< BAM! >>>>>>>
who the hell is this guy, holding someone else's trophy? good thing you told us you coming, otherwise you would've gone unnoticed! from team walmart!
Truer words couldn't have spoken! Raceway, is that you shoot your Hoyt, or is that neighbor kid draggin a stick across a chainlink fence again?