It's the exact day of my 25th class reunion so no. Maybe next year. My class is a kick ass party class so I'll be having way too much fun. It'll start Friday and run through Sunday! :D
Somebody entice me out to this shindig I'm giving serious thought, but it's going to take some persuading
That is WEAK Rob. I am supposed to be at my College Graduation that day, but instead I am gonna be shooting bows with some of the most badass hombres in the land! They can mail me my damn Bachelor's Degree, wearing a shirt in Garden Prairie beats a darn cap and gown any day! I will also be passing on my 20th year reunion this year, who the heck plans that in October anyway?????
And you don't this the GTG is a kick ass party, that'll start wed/thur and run through Sunday!? Unbelievable! a bunch of old dudes reminiscing about the good ol days, who's doin what now, yada, yada, yada, Apparently you haven't been to our GTG or you'd be here!
Lol, I'm not a drinker. But I RSVP'd to the Facebook group as "Attending" so that's as good as gold. But if I can talk my brother into driving out there with me, I think I'm in
The beagle is on the trail and he will definitely be there this year for the first time ever. Do I need to bring anything besides my bow and my busch light?
just some food, and your bragging rights. Some of us camp a little earlier, wed/thur. fishing rod and tackle. no license necessary. If your bow is a Hoyt, you check that at the door.
Pretty damn positive I'm going to make it guys. Steve-O, Teej....any other MN ppl thinking about heading over?? And I don't even want to think of the gross things that they do to our HOYTS after we check them