My Birthday is 26th June , but i'm booked already for one trip to America in September . I may make it one year , be sure to have a great time
I've been confused for 3 years... I always thought it was Frog Eating and sandwich hunting! Damn! Lil' Will - Plane purchasing happens in March... :D
Just checked with my boss yesterday and he said to give two weeks notice and I'm good to go. I checked the map and it's about 14 hours to the spot, a straight shot on route 80. I figure I'll travel on Thursday afternoon and drive through the night, then enjoy my Friday morning. and don't worry guys, I drive a tractor trailer for a living...I can handle the drive. By the way, if anyone needs a lift I can fit one more...I have a little Corolla so I need the back seat for gear so if you are in between New Jersey and Illinois, like old Metallica and Slayer and don't smoke, you got a's not that I don't like smokers but I hate stopping for smoke breaks. and Siman, I'll be bringing my Hoyt.:D
[and Siman, I'll be bringing my Hoyt.:D[/QUOTE] Oh boy, not another one of those whiners! Well, at least you'll fit in with Team Walmart with Raceway being the pres.
Oh boy, not another one of those whiners! Well, at least you'll fit in with Team Walmart with Raceway being the pres.[/QUOTE] Says the guy with a Walmart sticker on his Bowtech!
I'm not for sure whether or not I'll be able to attend the GTG, but I figure I'll post my travel route and see if there are any car-pooling possibilities. I'll be taking I-55 just north of Springfield and switching over to I-39, which gives me about a 4 hour drive to make it up there.
I'm still hoping to make it. Won't be able to know for sure until a few weeks before. Getting off work during the summer is a pretty difficult task for me.
I already have the weekend and needed to take the Friday off,,,just found out it got approved ps: I would have called in sick anyway!!!
Is there any sort of a "Schedule" or atleast a general idea of what days the events will fall on? May not be able to make it up for it all but would like to try for atleast a day or so.
Yep, the 25th Friday is a bonfire party at the campgrounds (its a blast) and Saturday is the G2G at cooncreek hunt club where we have the 3-D shoot and events as well as diner. (also a blast) Sunday is the product of staying one more night because of the other party at night at the clubhouse and some more campground mischief :D got to recover!1
Just planning on having a great time. Fri nite is just a bonfire gtg for some of the guys. The official Sat GTG has actual timed events that start in the morning with a break for lunch and shoot offs in the afternoon. Sat nite is a hang around and shoot the bull. Sun morning is breakfast at a restaurant and plan for the next yr.