I hope you two make it this year, OHBowhunter and buckhunter you will have a great time!! INDAWOODS, I like that idea :D Bring it on East ta ners<< podunk spelling :D
Kyle you have a bike? Im thimkimg about blasting down there on the scoot. Wondering if you want to roll down there. Steve is to much of a girl to go. So just looking for someone to go with.
Not another team Huch, Hack, Hoyt,member?! Boyz, boyz, Boyz, when will you learn. First you gotta learn how to carry the Team Bowtech/Walmart arrows, then you can compete.
Absolutly,,,come on out!! When it gets closer, They will get a roll call list of people comming out for sure, so they can plan a meal and other things at the clubhouse
Dang, I wish I could come...I always wanted to come to a HNI GTG, but it was always too far away.... I'm a Hoyt shooter :D Where exactly is it this year??
We need to get one in Kansas, lol. That would be a central location that everyone could come to :-D. I'm gonna have to save some cash and come to a GTG sometime...
See if you can set up a ride with somebody else :D Last year me and Isaac rode up with Buckeye, we'll probably do something similiar this year (Buckeye you in? Josh you coming? Anyone else from Ohio/PA? You coming down Germ?)
Best/cheapest way is to try to find hitch a ride w/a couple of members coming nearby. I realize the sacrifice that you guys have by coming out here, and I thank all of you that make this event successful. It is an awesome time, especially, the few days before at the campground. If anyone has ideas for shoots, or anything else you would want to see at the event, pass them to via PM. We'll be discussing details for the event in Feb? 2010 will be bigger & better. Also, send me your thoughts on what you didn't like.
hey siman im gonna be comin out this year as long as nothing drastic happens from know till then so if u and ur brother need a ride im from pittsburgh its on the way and i got a truck so we can get everything we need in it....lmk and anyone else just lmk