We will definetly be filling in everyone as the event gets closer but we just wanted everyone to get it on the calendar now so we don't have any excuses for not showing up. Chances are you can probably carpool with someone also which would make it a lot easier. Most of us camp for a few days so I will update everyone with that come spring when the campground opens again.
Depending on who drives we might have room for another. Me mobow and bloodcrick drove up together last year. Could happen again. You could be on the way sort of.
If mobow drives plan on it taking a bit longer. He tends to get lost and for some reasons likes going by office buildings instead of the campground!
I spoke with the campground today and we are all set like previous years. I will get eveyone info come spring so we can work out the details!
Check your inbox! Are you planning on attending this time or are we not cool enough to hang out with anymore?
Were you guys ever cool enough to hang out with?? kidding!!!! :D PM sent. Can't commit to the event because it's on K's birthday and I think he might be wanting to go to Texas to shoot alligator gar around then.
Johno, Ill probably drive up myself this year but I had a blast with you to and about lost my kindys from laughing so hard :D besides Im not parking at your house anymore, there are inner city punks around that area :D
Yeah, and I'm not sure how that happens because he drives at the speed of smell... you could literally memorize every town in Illinois in the amount of time it would take him to get from STL to Garden Prairie!
This looks really cool! I probably won't be able to make it out though. I'll have to take grad classes in the summer.
It is over 7 months away... It is to soon to sticky it and have it there for the next half (plus) year.