that still beats owning one of your turds that you shoot! I saw that in your yearbook you were the master, mastor*&^*$#! Because that's all you can do when shooting a turd, you aren't going to kill anything with it, that's for sure. Now let's get down to brass tacks, funny how that new Hoyt kinda has the shape of the guradian with center pivot? mmmm, As for contests, I'm sure that Hoyt took the category for copycat. TIt must've been their design dept, because same ol damn looking turd as every yr. Mean while, BT was BUSY creating the DESTROYER, which is already on a back order list and their hottest selling bow to date. In 10 short yrs they've had an innovative design that has lead the bow industry. You guys have been in for what you'd say, 100yrs, you guys can't refuse to follow because your not even in the same league.
I purchased my first bow in 2000, never bow hunted in High School. You got the menu ready for the GTG yet Mr. Mom?
Sure, crow pie for all you Turd shooters! but you probably already get enuf of that shootn that Turd of yours.
Mathews is an OK bow. That "catch us if you can" business is way overrated. Unless of course you have a 30" draw and plan on shooting the lightest arrow possible. Shorten the DL any or get a real arrow and the catching part becomes quite easy.
Hate to tell you the bad news, but Bowtech has already caught up to you and passed you a long time ago. As for Hoyt, they never got out of the gate!