If you believe only one thing, believe that the WalMart sticker will not fall off. I have a question for you, how does it feel to have a kitchen workin, WalMart shoppin, Bowtech shooter out perform you? You can't tell me you have never thought about switching to a real mans bow, a Bowtech that is.
Sorry, did'nt get to finish before it posted. As I was saying, don't worry about my sights or my sticker. One question, do you wash your hands after every time you shoot that turd (huucht). If turd was art, your bow would be a masterpiece.
You said it brother!, your bow really is a piece of S**t! Hahahahah! As for us backing up, you bet, we'll have you Turd Shooters with your backs up against the wall. :D
Can you even pull your bow back homie, I heard you blew out your Pancreas this past hunting season. Might need to get you a Snoopy Bow so you can try to hang.
Not to worry, I'll be able to pull my bow back when it comes time to schooling u., and I'll hang alright. I'll hang onto the trophy at the gtg, and you'll be hanging your head in shame with your turd (Hoyt) dragging behind you.
If you win the trophy I will buy a Bowtech. I will also buy a lottery ticket as hell officially freezes over that day.
none of this 16 pages of arbitrary talking means anything, A Hoyt will win (me) A few more will place in the top 5 (Raceway,Kyle) And my brother will probably place with his new bow as well. Crick, your old and your fingers are fat...so you can cut the tough guy act Hank....stay in the kitchen where you belong You buys better bring your A game :p
Well played, I second the fact that Crik's fingers will hinder him this year and Hank needs to be where he belongs. I will even bring him some back straps to cook for us.
2005 Lawrence, was the last I dropped some coin on a Bow :D It was a Matthews! I shoot the BT better than any bow I have ever owned by far And as for the Fat fingers getting in the way not a chance boys :D King the year before, and should of had third last year until Bucko and RJ had a shoot off to break a second place tie breaker,,, And I was OLD then :D CRICK IS COMMING, AND ITS GONNA STING :D Im already shooting, how bouts you guys????? PS: Looking forward to meeting some new faces, been along time commin now smack away :D
Well then don't put away your cold weather gear, cause come Sept. your gonna look funny wearing ear muffs and gloves in June! and I'll put your order in for your Bowtech, which model you want?
Hey Crik! Look who's gonna have to wipe his snot nose and ask his mommy if he can come out to play! When you decide to step up and be in an "A" game, you'll dump that Turd of yours & own a REAL bow, A BOWTECH! The only thing that a turd (Hoyt) and you will win is LAST PLACE!!!:p Your brother?! you gotta be kidding me?! you baby sitting again?!!!!!!!! Don't forget to bring enough diapers for all you turd shooters, cause your gonna S*#T your pants with how many events the Bowtech shooters will win!:D As for the kitchen, be sure to bring some beans & weenies, because, NO SAMMICHES FOR YOU!