Kitchen maid?!!! No samiches for you!!!! Now, let's look at what they're really saying at Huch: First off, you need to have an 80# bow just to come close to the speeds of Bowtech. The engineering and design at Bowtech has outperformed any other manufacturer for the past 10 yrs. Look at the designs themselves. Binary cams, The Tribute with parlallel limb design, the Guardian turned the world over with it's center pivot riser design, the velvet finish decreases heat loss, now the flex guard and now the overdrive geared cam system. It's taken Huch, 80 yrs to get where they're at, and Bowtech did it in 10yrs! So I say this yr, new shooting game. Huck, vs Bowtech? What say ye Race way? mmmmmmm? Oh and as for those Carpenters withe Bowtech stickers, they probably seen your Hoyt sticker.
Damn Kitchen, all the Bowtech guys that show up are primarily Staff shooters shooting 2x4 arrows. Then there are the guys like you who spend a whole day trying to site in your Bowtech. As for 80# I say why not? It was a 330fps bow but I have a 28" draw and wanted to shoot over 300fps with 428gr. arrows. Yours is sooo slow you had to change arrows because they were squeaking as they passed through your rest. Us Hoyt guys just want a reliable bow that puts meat in the freezer, we ain't in it for a fashion show! We want a bow that is built to hunt in the crap we hunt in without failure, we demand the best, we demand HOYT!!! We are the ones who REFUSE TO FOLLOW!!!
"reliable bow that puts meat in the freezer" Hence the reason why you went to a Super Walmart to buy your Huck bow, that way you can buy your bow & pick up some meat for the freezer. Sure in the hell won't kill a deer as slow at that thing is. REFUSE TO FOLLOW!!! No wonder you guys are still in the dark and haven't learned what a truly exceptional bow is, Bowtech. "Then there are the guys like you who spend a whole day trying to site in your Bowtech" Now that is about as far from the truth as you saying you own a real bow. I have the same arrows when I bought the bow. 430gr, shooting 277 @ 63#. Imagine how fast it would be if i cranked it up to 80#.
Here is the way I see it... ...shooting a Hoyt is like driving a Kia. It will get you from point A to point B, but if you want to get there in style and have class doing it, you shoot a Bowtech.
The cool thing for you is that soon you will be able to get your Kia at the same place you buy your Hoyt!
hahahah! gotta admit MH, he's gotcha ya there! :D But I have to agree with the thought on KIA & Huch Bows. I can't say anything bout your truck, since I too have joined the dark side and bought a Ford.
Name is on the title, free and clear. Now you and Kitchen need to get working on the dinner menu for Friday so have at it.
Oh the menu is made up already, for you it'll be a big helping of CROW PIE! when your shooting that I mean Huch, Hack, Hought, ptooey! sorry have a hard time pronouncing that name. How bout for easy sake, I just call it Turd?!
I just hope Kitchen can get his Blowtech shooting without the site moving or the WalMart sticker falling off.