Oh puhleeze! Check them Hoyts at the door, cause we only allow real bows in an archery contest. Not some Walmart seconds, that are as ugly as sin, a detriment to the hunting/archery world as we know it, and an offense to God himself. But then again only a mother could love something that ugly.
Nope, not me anyway. Too many other stuff going on this summer and fall to take time off. Enjoy Kyle, show them what us Mn men are made of!! Make us proud!!
Wait, who's this guy? MMMM, I think he was supposed to go to the gtg last yr, but alas, another Mathew owner no show. How bout this yr? Not American?, Only made at the belvedere plant in Illinois. Now I know that's probably the worst thing about it.
Are the crossbow shooters welcomed too? You know sometimes we are looked down upon by our brothers and sisters, fellow members of the order of the arrow (non crossbow shooters). As far as Walmart, I got my first bow at Walmart about 30 years ago, a Bear Whitetail Hunter, still have it, looking for a museum to donate it to.
Wrong, I shoot a BowTech, specifically an Admiral. And being made in Illinois is not the worst thing about it, it is a Chrysler product, and as far as I am concerned, part of Government Motors.
Not quite Kitchen maid. Taken from the Hoyt Website. Archery is more than a job at Hoyt. It's a way of life. It's in our blood, and it drives us to build the absolute best bows in the world. This passion runs deep. Hoyt is home to a family of like-minded bow fanatics driven to produce the highest quality, best-shooting, most trustworthy bows on the market. Anything short of that just won't cut it. It's pretty rare to find us without a bow in our hands. Lunch breaks are spent at the company indoor and outdoor shooting ranges. Vacation time is spent at archery tournaments and hunting camps with co-workers and family. We dream of new bow designs, record book bucks and gold medals. If it has to do with archery, we're consumed by it. From the factory to the front office staff to the management team, the entire Hoyt family shares this relentless passion. The result? Nearly 80 years of uncompromising quality and craftsmanship, and countless happy customers. Here's to the archery lifestyle. Here's to the next generation of Hoyt innovation. Here's to everyone who shares our passion and love for archery.
You Nancy's need to quit worrying about what yer shootin, and concentrate more on how yer shootin, cause Crick is commin, and is gonna put the beat down on yall AGAIN :D See you punks there :D:D
That includes you Mr. I was playing with my phone and little bro snatched the other shed Guy :D >>>BAM<<< 3 more months baby, three more woo hoo!!!