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Okay i need some help... badly

Discussion in 'Whitetail Deer Hunting' started by Vivid, Nov 2, 2020.

  1. DarkTater

    DarkTater Weekend Warrior

    Oct 28, 2020
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    Clover, SC
    Also, if you are going to post asking for feedback - you might want to accept the feedback gracefully regardless of how much you like it. Fix has been here a long time, that's just a fact. I'm not trying build a following, and if I had a disagreement with fix I'd either eat it, or try to take it up with Fix in a private conversation.

    That said, I'm a lot older than you seem to be so I probably approach things differently. You might find that you get more feedback, and thus more views, by taking the high road than by getting into arguments on a forum.

    Just a thought.

    That said, you've cost yourself a view (mine) by what has happened here - no matter who was 'right' or 'wrong'. There's a good quote about winning an argument on the internet that comes to mind...
  2. tynimiller

    tynimiller Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 17, 2011
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    I kept not wanting to post anything here...but whatever got a few minutes so let's go.

    First of all the quoted section of your response illustrates a lot.

    ^This illustrates your ignorance to how to maturely handle negative, constructive criticism or honestly just hate. Trust me, I've been there....the more content you put forth - the more of the bad you will get, I GUARANTEE!

    The rest of the quote I placed at first illustrate the worst way to be responsive to items. You claim to be nothing like has been placed or labeled upon you; yet then your responses illustrate something utterly different.


    Now just my thoughts as a whole.

    Boiled down: cut the bull. There is NO shame in your goal being with finding a forum and sharing a video you produced...but you, me, everyone knows you did this to at the chance of building an audience. Let's take you at face value - you believe more like you need to exist out there on the intrawebs so you shared your work. Not in the proper sub-section, but being new that's understandable. Lord though, you titled your thread in such a fishing manner - you cannot expect anyone to believe the claims made of "you don't merely want likes" or you "don't want to be famous in the hunting industry".....C'MON man. There is no shame in that being your goal - there is shame in hiding it, whoring out your posts merely to build an audience and then not handling any criticism handed back.

    Claiming you want to shift the content development out there, posting on forums for "help....badly...." and you seriously have merchandise for Vivid Outdoors (via ad on your FB page).....sorry EVERY single action and thing I could find or read - you do want to be part of the hunting industry - be known - be "famous" relatively.

    As for the content itself, kudos to the camera work except for the actual shot on film the broll is nice, angles are sharp and you seem to have an eye there. Yes the music got old, and due to the length and repetitive use of the same transition and static noise was over used as well IMO. However, definitely if you clearly want to produce a "show" style or be a 'Hunting Public' type channel/business you'll need some more camera angles and learn how to cut trips/hunts into much shorter videos - but the video aspect of it all was very well done IMO.

    I've personally waffled and dabbled myself in attempting to "break into the industry". A LONG time ago after having a hunting blog just to share my experiences (wife prompted) I had many say I should make a Facebook page, website or YouTube I got so pumped in my early 20's thinking man I've got people emailing me, asking me to write thoughts or articles quick - I could be this great hunting person. Here's the issue though, there were 3 very large reasons I always go back to not trying to force my foot out there.

    1 - I don't handle hatred well.
    Criticism I can handle, disagreements as well and unlike you wanting them to ignore you I embrace them. Being able to express ones thoughts or opinions on anything with another that disagrees actually is one of the best ways to grow in knowledge. However, over the years I've had folks seek out anything my name is on just to spread lies and attack - it gets old and honestly makes developing content myself in my basement with zero sponsors and not a dime of profit - purely out of enjoying content development and sharing of experiences and thoughts tough (if not impossible at times).

    2 - It quickly becomes a job.....and less of a passion. I've constantly struggled with not wanting my habitat consulting to become a real and true part time job - because very fast the weight of it can become intense...and while you used to be able to spend 20 hours a week enjoying making free content to you HAVE to spend time on plans for others that paid you.....OR the most likely scenario in your case is sponsorships if you get there. You now are promising content for all your work at producing and capturing content. This is why my greatest recommendation to you would NEVER take on a dime of sponsorships where your content delivery is now a task you have to do and no longer content you just enjoy making.

    3 - The Industry changes folks...and not always for the better. I've witnessed NUMEROUS content makers in the industry CHANGE. They get to the point where they don't hunt because they love it, but because they're addicted to the attention of the subscribers....getting that popular post....or getting that next harvest on film. They start making dipshit choices on shot selections, flirt with every game law imagineable JUST to get that next content. Shoot...this very forum has had members become some of the worst representatives of what a hunter's destroye marriages, created TERRIBLE fathers and stole the love of hunting from many in the end.

    In short - own what you're trying to do, take constructive criticism and refuse to produce a single word or minute in a video for ANY reason other than for you. If you change what you say, do or think because of "production" you're heading down a slope that is VERY slippery.

    It can though be a great and very rewarding thing as well...I've been blessed that merely dipping my toe in has caused and triggered some incredible hunting friendships that without never would have been - for that aspect of it I'll be honest all the hate mail, internal struggle with enjoying it and not allowing myself to be whored out by the industry was and still is worth it.

    Wish the best for you @Vivid , but stick around for more than merely likes and sharings of your content. Post here, discuss here, join the contest next year...this is a pretty cool place and is also a place that if you embrace it will provide to you friendships that resonate not just in your life for hunting but beyond.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2020
  3. tynimiller

    tynimiller Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 17, 2011
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    Edited my post some and added the last two paragraphs....which are HUGE.
  4. tynimiller

    tynimiller Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 17, 2011
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    Looks more and more as the days go by @Fix labeled @Vivid correctly...albeit perhaps a little brashly...but correctly.
    DarkTater likes this.
  5. dnoodles

    dnoodles Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 13, 2012
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    People's Republic of IL
    I saw "vivid" and "video" together and this is not at all what I expected.
    ... sigh
    Shocker99 and DarkTater like this.
  6. Vivid

    Vivid Newb

    Oct 15, 2020
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    You’re right, I missed this one. I appreciate the time and thought you put into the post. It definitely made me rethink as well as understand some of the previous comments. However, I must disagree with you on one part. That is, again, wanting to be famous. If I think of the “why” I’m hunting, filming, editing, and promoting it’s because I enjoy it (mostly hunting and filming). It adds a completely knew set of emotions, skills, and honestly makes me a better hunter. I think if you did start a channel, you would truly see the additions it can bring to your experiences. In regards to promoting, gear, and fishy titles (which I agree, but it did get you on here). I do that because I want to create something of the brand. For the opportunity to hunt more and more, and because I love it. I don’t do it because I want to be famous, I do it because I want to be able to do it more (I hope that makes sense). Yes, being famous may come with it. But it’s not the true “why”. Thanks again, best of luck.
  7. tynimiller

    tynimiller Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 17, 2011
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    Appreciate actually coming you do it so you can hunt more. Just how exactly does posting a video allow this unless it is to garner attention, build name or brand?

    Also I personally do have a channel. Dont post as much and not for entertainment, more sharing and habitat education. Never pushed it hard though. Enjoy the podcast and the email dialogues more than production of videos
  8. Vivid

    Vivid Newb

    Oct 15, 2020
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    My point is simply that my “why” is not to get famous. I’m not saying that isn’t part of growing a brand. If that makes sense?
  9. Vivid

    Vivid Newb

    Oct 15, 2020
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    You’re right. I was In the wrong.
    DarkTater likes this.
  10. Vivid

    Vivid Newb

    Oct 15, 2020
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    gonna have to think on this one. Lots to take on.
    dnoodles likes this.
  11. Vivid

    Vivid Newb

    Oct 15, 2020
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    Thanks for the insightful comment. I really appreciate the time and effort you put Into this. I’m glad you enjoyed the truthful rawness of it. That’s exactly what I was going for. I also appreciate the constructive Criticism. Lastly, I’m not sure if you caught it, but I was nearly holding back tears when I found him. That moment meant a great deal to me. Not only for the hard work put in, but for the life I took as well. Thanks again; best of luck.

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