The distance. Why is Jeff saying 10-15-20 yards? Do you shoot from all three distances? I'll shut up after this post and observe.
You can shoot from any distance you want. This Is no league thing or anything like that, just something to do during the off season. We did this last year at 10 yards, kind of equivalent to you compound boys at 20 yards. I'm going to stick to my 10 yards I think but Jeff said he might go to that 15 to 20 yard range If his shooting Is good. Like I said, do what you want. Post scores If you want, It don't matter.
Steve: I have NO IDEA how this stacks That's the beauty of it. I don't have a clue....but I'll post 'em up as I shoot 'em. No matter what "else" I decide to do.....I wanna shoot from the distance (and at the face) you guys decide on. GFY....You're more than welcome to join in the festivities. "We" don't care what you're shooting.....or from what distance. We're just happy to have ya.
Not sure I am going to get around to this. I'd like to, but my basement is in a little bit of "transition" at the moment. I can't get my normal "shooting" range set up. I think the best I can do, is 6-7 yds at the moment.
Oh, I have been shooting at that range to keep my muscles going & my release "in practice". But If everyone else is shooting from farther back, I don't want to be embarrassed when I get beat at a shorter range
Not so much, Just shot No. 3, this morning. 252/2X Beats the crap out of where I was last year, though.
Holy smokes , don't panic yet fella's . Your scores are safe Jeff and Steve , my first ever game of Vegas 3 spot ended with a total of 223 at 10yds lol . Have to say i enjoyed the idea of competing against others though ( even if you are 1,000's of miles away lol ) , i'm sure that number wil improve . I had a friend watching over my shoulder for most of the game .
I'm out of straw bails so I have no back stop to tape these 3 spots too. I'm not sure what else I can use, the last straw bail went In the dog house to keep my lab warm. Good shooting Jeff. Dave It will get better, It's tougher then a guy thinks It should be.
I'm getting the hang of this now, 2nd 10yd round this morning and no distractions. ...... I was peppering the 9 and 10 on targets 2 and 3 , but let myself down on the number 1 target. My total. ..... 250 .
Cheers Steve , i'm loving the interaction with you guys and it's my first bit of Archery competition even if it is online lol .