Do I wait till I get them in the mail before I get the NR hunting license and habitat stamp or get them now? Those are not lottery, correct?
Your NR archery tag is as good as guaranteed this year. Buy it now and get it over with, that way you won't forget about it later, which could cause a situation. You might get I applied for mine last night too. Ouch that hurts! One more thing.... where you huntin in IL?:d
Yep.....I almost forgot mine and got it online the day I left for IL last fall. I saw on the DNR site that they were giving out 25,000 tags this year....wasn't it 15,000 last year?
I think it was 20,000 last year, and they didn't sell all of those before the lottery deadline but did sell all of them eventually.
Hmmmmnm...... I'm not sure where I'll hunt. I was thinking about showing up at someone's house and forcing them to take me. LOL Ah, I think i can come up with a place or two.