I ordered a new Silvertip in May of 2009. It arrived the first week of April, 2010. I haven't shot it, yet.....lol. I did take the 1st steps, though. It's strung. I got out the: limb pocket pads; Kwik-loc; Beaver Balls; Velcro (to replace the orig. sideplate); tip protector; brass nock. I'm actually gonna get it ready and bare shaft it, this evening. I may not hunt for a few weeks. We'll have to see how 5 mos. of NO shooting has affected accuracy. Season opens this Saturday. Good luck to all you guys getting out there. EDIT** Just slung about 30 arrows. Like ridin' a bike!
How did she shoot. I know very little about trad bows, but i am pretty sure you ordered a cadillac this time around. Was the shooting different, better, what you were looking for??? The ques are very vague, but you know what I am saying.
It's actually the exact same brand and specs from my bow I used last year. It's just EXACTLY what I wanted. I'd bought the other bow, used. And, I ordered this one, custom. It shoots just like the old one (which is good, for me). I'll sling a few more.....and maybe hunt and keep my shots close, this weekend. We'll see.
I bet the first time you hit the woods this fall you kill a brute! You are testing the deer hunting gods with your lethargic response to the upcoming hunting season. lol
I've seen 4 bucks this summer. All were seen while riding the bike or running. All were on land I can't hunt. I didn't put out a cam, this year.