Rage broadhead. Here's the deal. I missed a doe this evening which I wasn't thrilled about but hey it happens. I had a big doe and her fawn sneak up behind me. I saw them coming about 50 yards out and readied for a shot opp. They walked directly under my stand and in fact, the fawn used my tree as a backscratcher. Pretty cool. But old does being what they are, she knew something was up. So for about 20 minutes of her being merely feet fro my stand and not giving me a good angle, I waited. She finally circled to my left and stepped behind a bush. I draw. She steps out and amazingly stops right in my shooting lane. I guess she winded me because RIGHT at the moment I loosed the arrow she bolted hard. This was not a string jump. She was bolting before the shot but only a nano second before. Now things happen pretty quick at 10 yards so I didn't see it all but, that arrow came off the bow all wrong. I was worried I hit her in the ass but upon investigation concluded a miss. But I am convinced the blades opened on release causing the errant flight. Now, I'm not blaming the miss on that, as due to her bolting I would have missed anyway, I think. But I got the point, learned the lesson. I now have 2 packs os Slick Trick Mags ordered right here from BH.com. I'll be damned if those blades opening are gonna cause me to miss one or worse, wound one. I just this year jumped on the bandwagon because we sell so many of the at the shop and so many customers ask if I shoot them. So I decided to use them. Yeah that ain't happenin again. Ok have at it.
You'll be happy with the ST mags mobow. I shot my doe this weekend with them and got a complete pass through with ease. The blades got a little dinged up but the main part of the broadhead was still in good condition... nothing replacement blades won't fix. The blood trail didn't look as though buckets of blood were dumped, but it was relatively easy to follow. Nothing beats a good durable broadhead that you know will get the job done.
I've never had a problem with the rages not opening even though I've only shot 2 deer with them. But anything could happen. If you believe this is causing the miss then use other broadheads. I wonder if someone could video rages flying on an arrow and slow down the tape to see if they open?
I'm 3 for 3 with them with devastating results in conditions far worse than I ever expect to use them back here in a treestand. They past the test for me with flying colors for deer hunting.
Ive heard about this happening before. Sometimes the blades are not locked in, but appear as if they are. I've actually experienced this a few times, myself. Lucky for me, this was never while shooting, but while positioning. I started to use a tiny rubber band to help keep the blades locked in. Never had a problem after that. Slick Tricks are great heads. I used them before. For me, they were very accurate and consistent. Devistating to the animal, as well.
When I shot Rage's, I too used a small rubber band as a back up. I made the same move you did this past off season, ST Mags. I am very satisfied with them. The problem I had with the Rage was that they were not durable. The ferrule bent with ease.
Before I knock an arrow I double check to make sure the blades are well seated in the o-ring. If they're 2-blade Rages let me know what you want for them. Just don't forget I'm unemployed...:D
Sorry guys.....my best hunting buddy is going through some tough times right now and only has a couple broadheads. He uses the 2 blade Rage so......Merry Early Christmas, Brian.
Like Pat, when I've used them I ensured the blades were seated behind the O-ring when I nocked my arrow. The other suggestion I would make is to stop by your local orthodontist office and pick up a pack of braces rubber bands; placing them over the top of the head in the middle helps keep the blades intact until they're needed as well. Sorry again to hear about your doe; she'd been some good eatin'!
Sounds like it can be hit or miss them. I have shot them into a foam target and never had one open prematurely. I have killed 3 deer with the same head, all pass throughs with the arrow stuck in the ground, with no damage to the head. Simply sharpened and reused. I don't use any extra bands to hold them closed.
I know how you feel. Everyone is a fan of expandables until somthing goes wrong, which if you shoot them long enough somthing will happen. Here is what can happen; open up on the way to a deer, not open at all when you hit a deer, get moisture in them and freeze and not open, open up and hit your riser or rest on the draw, hit a little branch or weed on the way to a deer an open the blades, blades are more likely to break of for a fun guttjob. All this that could happen and people still use them. Don't get me wrong I shot expadables until it screwed me as well. You'll like the sick tricks, one of the most dependable fixed blades out there.
1.Riser? User error, ensure that the blades are seated and that will never happen. 2.HIt a branch or weed then open? How could you possibly know that they opened in mid air? Fixed or Mech. if you hit something between A and B nothing good is come from it. 3. Blades break off? I tried to cut some blades with my snips the other night, no dice. Twisting and bending, yes, breaking not been my experience after 10+ dead deer.
Never had an issue with them myself, sounds to me like you either didnt check to see if blades were locked or you hit a twig or something and who knows maybe you have a cracked or bad spine on that particular arrow?
Never had em open, or bent a ferrule..... I always check my o rings and replace them when needed, I roll the o ring down the shaft, seat the blades, then roll back up, always locks em in tight