Well I finally got someone to give me permission to hog hunt in NE oklahoma, but the darn things wont move tell after dark and hunting them with lights is illegal in OK. WE have a feeder and a wallow they visit reguarly. Does anyone know any tricks to get them moving during shooting hours? I dont want to use dogs that just seems a bit much to me I like my peace and quite and so do the neighbors thats why this is a bow only situation.
I have never hog hunted before but you could try spot and stalk, they have to be somewhere during the day.
I thought about it I just didnt want to pressure them to much. P.S. you have got to try hunting a hog one day they are great stalking practice and they never stop moving it makes for good practice. They also eat pretty good. Always fun to hunt with the buddies during the times when you cant hunt deer.
Just like a deer any other ungulate a pig has to eat something every few hours, period. Set you feeder times a little bit later in the morning and a little earlier in the afternoon. They'll figure out that they'll need to get to the corn before everything else does. :D As far as pressuring them, pigs are extremely nomadic. They move whether they are pressured or not, it's just their nature. Waterholes are your best bet right now with the temps in the high 90's. Big boars are the only ones that are even semi-territorial... Where at in NE Oklahoma are you?
Feeder or watering hole would be your best bet, but even at that it's a crap shoot. We used to "hunt" them horseback with a pack of bay dogs and one catch dog. When the dogs had one bayed, we'd whoop and ride in the direction of the barking then bail off and grab em by the back leg, throw em down and calf-tie em. Then they'd either get shot for meat or hauled out alive to be relocated some place else. It was a blast to say the least.