I've decided I'm going to build a sort of "house" to hang my bag targets from... I'm thinking of using two 4x4s on either side, with a connecting piece on top, sort of like the bottom half of an H. I want to put a small, slanted roof on it to keep the direct rain and snow off my bags, and have the bags suspeded from two eyebolts so that they're more capable of absorbing the blows from the shot because they'll be able to swing freely... Anyone want to show off their CAD skills and come up with a good set of plans around this idea? :d
It's not pretty, but this is the one I have at camp. Did this in an afternoon with a pile of scrap wood, some old roofing material, a bucket of drywall screws, a chain saw, and a screw gun. :d It works well, hasn't even blown over once and it gets pretty windy in that field.
I remember nailing that deer at 60 yards, one shot. :d Greg, you need to do what a coworker/friend of mine did. He built his kids a raised clubhouse that doubled as an archery target underneath.
Not a bad idea, Rob... but we're gonna build the treehouse in the woods right across the creek. I'm trying to figure out how I want to build some sort of drawbridge or zipline out of it to the lawn part of my yard. :D
Greg: My coach is a carpenter by trade and just finished building a 100 yard archery range with 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, and 100 yard butts that all have hanging Morrell Outdoor Range bags. I'll be there tomorrow or Monday and will take pics of how he built the butts. They are pretty nice and should give you a good idea on how to build one.
I got one similar at the house, but I like to move my target around, so it doesn't stay on there very often. Their a pretty simple build, and if you have issue with it moving much, you could actually build it on a frame, rather than having the posts IN the ground. Use maybe a 5-6 ft upper, with a bit longer bottom board and then tie in supports at 45* angles front and rear say 18 " to the front, and 4-5 ft to the rear, drawing a pic, rough though, let me see if it will work.... How do you post a pic????
Now I KNOW this is ROUGHLY drawn, but here's a basic set-up that you CAN move around and SHOULD be pretty stable. I'd use 4x4's for the uprights, and then you should be able to get away w/ 2x4 or 2x6's for the rest, probably would be best to make out of treated lumber. For the bottom board that supports the target, you could put 2x4 struts right against the 4x4, then put your board you intend on resting the target on, on top of that, unless you just want to let it hang, but I personally would have it resting on something.
Greg, send me an e-mail at [email protected] and I'll send you some drawings w/dimensions. Don't want to get hammered here for my drawing skills.
Yes, I was, I was hoping you'd come to the GTG to cast out the demons so I'd stoppppppppp haaaaaavvvvvinnnnnng ttttttththththteeeeeeeeem, but you-you-you-you-you chchchchchciiiiiiikiiiiind oooooooutttt!!!
LOL ...you are a card, Doug .... we'll get along just fine :d seriously tho .... did you use your nasty feet to draw that pic? :uzi:
greg here is a idea i picked up on at someone's house. it's very simple. 2-1/2" PVC. connect together to make a "U". Put "T" sections on the ends. make the "t" base long enought to prevent the target from tipping over. It will be an inverted U. suspend bag target by hanging eye bolts thru the U & attach to the target w/an S hook. Or just connect to the bag w/a turnbuckle hook, or whatever u like. It worked really well & is portable. I think he cut the upright portion of the U about 3' long, & same across. It balanced the bag w/no issues.
Greg: After seeing this thread, I've been trying to find pics that I saw on another forum quite a long time ago of a bag target frame. Finally found the pics. This is a design that I'd like to duplicate when I finally move to a house where I can shoot outside. I'm willing to bet the wife will even appreciate this. :d
Thanks, RJ! Yep, that's something like I'm envisioning... I want to make sure the bag is free-floating to absorb the impact, and I'll probably shingle my roof. Can't tell how much of a slant that one has, but I'll make sure mine's got enough to facilitate snow running off.