My brother in law and I are planning our first public land weekend for Ohio next season. We’re getting ready with out sticks and stand and scouting maps but what are the background things that a newby would forget? How early should I reserve a camp site? Can I actually just sleep in my truck on the public land? Can I just park my travel trailer on the public land? Help me guys Hoyt Pro Defiant Easton FMJ Ramcat fixed blade
Sleeping on site all depends on where your hunting, just check the regs or call ODNR to see if you can stay onsite without a camp ground. When I go out for extended stays we just get a motel, a lot of them have hunter rates which are pretty cheap. Also having a hot shower and nice place to call home for a week or longer is worth it to me. I have camped at some places and it’s fun but adds a lot of gear and work to the trip.
So our camping would be my truck and 30’ travel trailer lol not tents Hoyt Pro Defiant Easton FMJ Ramcat fixed blade
But the whole hotel hunters rates is new to me I’ll have to check that out I’ve never heard of that Hoyt Pro Defiant Easton FMJ Ramcat fixed blade
Well your living in style then, what I would do is find a landowner by the public if the public didn’t allow camping and offer them money to setup on there prop and use their electric. A guy used to do that on a old farm stead Where I hunt in Ohio. Turns out he lived 30 mins from me in Pa, only saw him 3x. But thought that be a good idea if I had a travel trailer. As far as hunter rate, they just offer a small discount for hunters during the season. Call around and see if you choose not to take the trailer.
Ohio is pretty strict when it comes to the game lands - but there are a lot of campgrounds. Depending on where you're going - you may be able to hit one up for a space. We hunt NE Ohio, thankfully on private land - but the regulations are so much different then what PA has.
Found a hunters camp that is free as long as your a licensed hunter. No electric no nothin site but it’s free. Going to keep looking. Any gear? Little thibbe that might easily be looked over? Hoyt Pro Defiant Easton FMJ Ramcat fixed blade