Thanks Dave! I got the info request and will drop a brochure in the mail tomorrow. Email me anytime if you have any questions! [email protected]
You bet It's sharp looking stuff!! I purchased a shirt myself while he was In Mn at the Deer Classic. I look forward to buying more of his apparel down the road.
Thanks again Steve! I am really excited about the next wave of designs, they are going to kick ass. :d
Yeah boy - the wife bought a t-shirt saturday at the show also. nothin sexier than a woman with huntin clothes on. Without suits me fine too
Forgot to mention too Dave that we are coming out with a women's line as well. Jill is pretty picky about her shirts, so they should be pretty sweet with some good cuts for the ladies. Edit: Where's the pics?!?! :d
I'm trying to squeeze a lesson out of Scott. If it comes to fruition, I'll come all the way out there and pick your non-social arse up, if need be! :d
They have a shoot April 5th... Let's see if we can line something up. It is a little closer for me, about 1.25 hours. I have never shot this club before.
No I have never been to a club or a shoot before. I am fairly new to archery and still trying to learn the ropes myself. But I will for sure check into it cause I need a good place to practice. I am not able to shoot where I live.
I'll be at a bachelor party the night before but if you're ok with a later start (around noon-ish), then I'm all about it Ohbowhunter, you're welcome to join
Well, there was this big muscle bound scary looking guy that really intimidated me and scared me away from the booth Life of an introvert I guess. Certainly meant nothing by it.