Well i didnt get down there Friday like i would have liked to due to work , but the wife volunteered to tag a long for the 200 mile round-trip on Saturday. I thought i'd "beat" the traffic outside the state-fairgrounds by leaving later than usual. That didnt work ! I was into the expletive bank just as soon as i hit Columbus. Once there the crowds weren't as bad as in the past. Lots of new products there, "to me anyways". After watching the Byron Ferguson show , which by the way never gets old - year after year. We began to make or rounds. I got some pretty sweet pics from his show "actual impact shots", out of maybe 15 attempts this is what came of it......... BH.Com was represented pretty well there , i saw several guys with either hats or sweatshirts on , and then i spotted this from a mile away........... It was hangin above Dan's settup. " Rut Junkie Apparel " It was nice to finally meet a guy im on here b.s'in with. Of course he twisted my arm to get off some cabbage and put my money where my mouth is, which was seconded by the wife . So i bought a t-shirt and a hat " which by the way are both pretty nice ! Dan was a hell of a gentlemen and i look forward to headin north in the next year or two to put a bear on the ground with him. We stopped by the Bowtech camp a couple times to meet the man , the myth , the legend , " buckeye". But he looked to be pretty busy both times so - maybe next time ! I did spy this while checkin out the booth. "Which by the way i didnt win" Later in the day we stumbled upon this couple............ We had a fairly lengthy conversation with Ralph & Vicki Cianciarulo about this that and the other , to be honest it was mostly me giving hunting tips , but i dont mind helpin a couple of energetic kids get started ! Ok maybe not but i now know why i always like their shows , because there so down to earth. By the way - yes my wife already voted my shirt the "most light wristed" shirt in the place. Which i didnt beleive until i saw this pick Frat boy goin to a kegger, or tool headin to deer expo ? Probobly one of the most beautiful deer ive layed eyes on.......... can you imagine..... All in all it was a great day with the wife in toe. We topped it off with some grub from "Hoggy's " then headed north back to the reality of a 5 a 3 and a 2 yr old at home ! I think next year i might try to hit up the ATA show this was a blast !
Looks like a good time was had by all! That Byron Ferguson is pretty cool to watch......Can you imagine being able to see him in action in an outside venue? Awesome!
Don't worry, since you met Dan, Buckeye wouldn't have seemed so cool! :D Sounds like a good time Dave. Thanks for the pictures and the update.
Buckeye busy??? All he did at the IL show was sit in a treestand all day at the Smokeless Tobaco booth.
Sorry Dave, it was probably me hogging the Bowtech display Scott brought the entire new line in south-paw and he made me shoot them all He and Dan are both class acts! Everyone here need's to check out Dan's Rut Junkie line. It's great stuff!!
Looks like you had a great time out there! Those are always a lot of fun. Can't wait for the Wisconsin one in Apr.
It was a very good show. I had no idea that Scott (buckeye) was going to be working the Bowtech booth, but it worked out great for me b/c I really wanted to shoot the 82nd anyway and then I realized who was back there Scott is impressive with his knowledge on bows. Really impressive. He can shoot the heck out of them too as I learned last year. He told me that Josh was meandering around somewhere so I kept my eye out (in order to avoid him of course) I'm not much of an outgoing person so I didn't stop to introduce myself to Dan, but I did see the booth and it really looked nice. Overall a great show I thought. With as many people as were there I am amazed that only a couple hundred thousand deer are killed every year in Ohio. It was butthole to bellybutton the hole way through that place.
Yeah, that is what happens when all your help cancels on you, I had help on Fri and Sat but only had help for a couple hours mid-day on Sunday. You should have pushed your way through the booth and demanded it. :d Loser. Very true... I hold nothing on that half canuck Word from the smokless crew was that day had the highest turn out for hot women through their booth ever! I did get to talk for a while with Josh and his Dad... Both cool guys... I see where Josh gets it from I just make it all up as I go, you know so it sounds like I know what I am talking about.... When in fact I really have no clue. I really don't know which way is up on a bow :d
Very true... I hold nothing on that half canuck ---------- yeah i walked away a little confused on whether to say bye or ehh ? where all you guys from in ohio ? im usually down south 2-3 times a year ( Vinton/Athens Co.) chasin something around the woods. ill be there for 2-3 days for turkey in april. cervesa's ?
Take 70W until you see IN, turn left and you are at my house:d Lewisburg, OH And Josh, I'm only running 2-3 times a week right now so I'm a bit slower than the last time you saw me. We still need to get Doug and go to a 3D shoot so we can see who comes in last place
I'm about 5 minutes north of the fairgrounds/expo center. I've hunted turkey in Vinton County. Lots of birds
Josh and Dave, it was great meeting both of you guys and thanks for the support! Sorry I didn't get a hold of you Saturday Josh, we had to go out for dinner with a couple of my customers from camp who live in town. Jim, wish you would have stopped by and introduced yourself! I would have loved to meet you and hear some of your hunting stories. :d Scott, was great hanging with you and trading a little smack. I look forward to the day when we share a hunt together. I'm looking forward to meeting more of you guys in 2 weeks in Mad Town!!!
We had a great time. Except for the speeding ticket on the way home. 10 Miles from the house. Thanks everyone who stopped by the Booth and supported us.
dan your gonna have to get me some info on a trip up there , i was checkin the website out a bit today. looks amazing. i requested some info on there , so keep an eye out !