I know CT isn't nearly noted as having the same caliber bucks as Ohio, but we have the same exact situation as you do, tons of does for the mature bucks to breed with at night. No need for urgency on their part, they get the pick of the herd. The little guys will run around all day with their noses to the ground. Most of the seeking and chasing I have seen this year is from 1.5-2.5 year old bucks. One of the properties I hunt have 3 bucks on it that range from 125-145" and I have yet to see one at all, let alone with a doe.
Brett, this year is the year of the acorn in my opinion. Follow the acorn and you will find your rut.
Mike, we don't have any acorns here and I am not kidding. We had that 17 year cicada thing here this past summer and our acorn crop is non-existent.
Exactly my point. I've been hunting for nearly twenty years now and this is by far the worst crop of acorns I have ever seen. It's nearly non-existent. Recently I have done some scouting and found some acorns (albeit very little) and not coincidently I have found deer again. Last years drought maybe had something to do with it, I don't know. What I do know is the acorn is a staple of the white tails diet and has been every fall for thousands of years. Since figuring this out weeks ago my sightings have went up some. I wish I would have thought of it earlier, maybe could have saved me some headache.
Man I never thought about that, what a good point. The cicadas definitely did a number. I've been hunting tidewater (SE) VA, haven't seen anything in terms of rutting behavior. I'm out in the Shenandoah valley for the weekend and Thanksgiving, just saw a 6 chasing a scent hard this morning. His neck was swollen as could be, so I'm hoping I'll be seeing some more rut action over here
I've about had it... I've put a lot of long days on stand this season... whacked a doe in Nov. (which I never do!) out of frustration. I've seen damn near zero in the way of rut activity... mostly in area where what Caleb would call "the TV rut" DOES exist... I've counted over 70 deer (lots of repeats, I'm sure -but a dozen different bucks!) chasing each other all over the hills!! I might give it another go in the AM, but after that... pffft, bring on gun season!!
I've never seen the "tv rut"... I want to one day though... even if I leave empty handed... I just want to sit in a tree and watch 120" + deer chase does by my stand all day... Just give me one day.
Simon, you have to tell me were in Ohio your at so I never lease by you.... My experience in South Central Ohio ( 5 seasonsleasing ) , and most of the other mid west states I been lucky enough to hunt. The amount of rutting Activity( chasing, scraping, rubs ect ) compared say eastern NY and CT it's night a day. So we just may not be comparing apples to apples. I totally understand what you mean about not seeing the TV rut. So when I say that the 10 days or so I hunted in Ohio this year showed a weak rut...you have to keep in mind it's still a world better then my property in NY.
9 does tonight i waited until the absolute last possible minute and no bucks in sight, so i shot two monster does. Some people are seeing some chasing her and there, A guy pulled up today with a "monster" (his words) that was chasing (it's opening day of rifle) it was a 14" 7 point. So I'm assuming our 1.5 are doing some chasing. Aaron - me too brother, just one day. I'd like to pass a 120", and not second guess myself repeatedly.