The back of my right hand has been bothering me lately. After going to my doctor,going for x-rays, etc.. he sent me to an orthopedist. Well after poking and prodding at my hand I went in for an MRI. Seems like I have a torn ligament in my hand/wrist area and she recommends surgery to clean it up. No big deal really except...... I have a problem with when to do it. I own/operate a golf course. I play and teach golf as part of my income. I can't phathom having it done now and being out of work for 2 months (heart of the golf season here). Our golf season usually winds down around the end of September/begining of October. If I get through the golf season and have it done in October, I'll miss our bowhunting season. I can't draw a bow back the way it is now so waiting until after hunting isn't an option. Man this really sucks!
That does suck!!!! The almighty $$$ rules so I hate to say looks like a down Bow season. If you can get it done in Sept you may be able to get the late season in. Lost half a season a couple years ago due to my shoulder and to us die hard bowhunters nothing could be worse.Hope everything works out for ya!!!!!
Usually, the sooner it gets done the better off you are. Sometimes waiting can make it harder to fix. Good luck.
that might be a tactic you could take... also, iirc, most states only require 40lb bows to be able to hunt, pick up a diamond edge at ~40lbs and go to it... :D surely you could still pull back 40 right??
Unfortunately life has it's twists and turns. If it won't be permanent damage, I say stick it out through golf season. That is your income... get the surgery afterwards. You might miss the season, but like Double Creek said, get a crossbow permit. Whatever you do, good luck.
That's a good suggestion (that or a temporary crossbow permit). I would definitely let work ($$$) dictate this (like it sounds you are). Bowhunting, although a major passion/obsession for most of us, should take a backseat to other priorities when push comes to shove. Although missing the season (or part of it) sounds like the end of the world, it's not Good luck to you, and hopefully you have a speedy and full recovery.
This might soound stupid but is there any way you could modify your release to attach onto the lower part of your forearm, thereby taking away the pain/possible injury from your wrist as you draw? I bet one could modify a release to alleviate the pressure on a wrist...just a thought.
Exactly what I would do. That way you wouldnt have to miss golf or hunting season. I know people that have applied for a x-bow permit in NY and all got turned down, many had as bad as/ worse injuries that you. Pretty much have to be a quadrapolegic (sp?) or paralized. Luckly for you, you are neither.
Get it fixed asap, get a cross bow permit for the early season and have fun. If you wait and have major problems, your out of work and will not have to worry about hunting.