Actually, there is nothing terribly wrong with the selection. The problem IS that no one carries the Bowtech Sentinel. Shops will "special" order it for me but I'd be obligated to buy it. That doesn't make much sense to me either. I'm sure they wouldn't have any difficulty selling that one bow, if I decided not to buy it. Also, my go-to shop has stopped carrying Bowtech because of alleged poor customer service. I even went to a shop I've previously refused to give business to but no luck there either. Guess I'll be taking a little bit of a road trip.
I will have a demo Sentinel with me at the Ohio Deer and Turkey Expo this weekend.. Come on by and shoot it :d
Wish I could, Scott. Maybe I exaggerated a bit. I haven't traveled more than 50 miles looking for this bow. But hey...thats still a road trip to me. :D Ben...PA might be an option. While I'm up there I could swing by Cabelas. I've never been.
Sounds like your go-to shop got paid off by Mathews :d But he should definitely find another excuse that poor customer service! >>>BAM<<< :D
Sounds like your go-to shop got paid off by Mathews :d But he should definitely find another excuse that poor customer service! >>>BAM<<< :D
Don't come my way looking for one... Down towards Jeff's would be your best bet, that I know of. I think there is a shop in Eden NC too. Never been though.
Haha...well I've involuntarily committed myself to doing something else this weekend. Please don't make me explain.
Well, I know you were but I was halfway thinking about coming up. Rob...I appreciate the offer. Any Paper Moons nearby? :D
A full set of teeth!?!? Now that's my kind of lady. :D She's gotta have bruises and at least one kind of STD too.