Another slow day in wi yesterday, checked the camera on the way in yesterday afternoon and the night before there was a heavy antlered, short timed 8 on camera at 6:45 pm. There was also a nice 7 a few nights ago around 11 pm
Nothing for me I didn't see any deer this weekend but everyone I was with saw some..I'm hoping to change my luck tonight Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Tapatalk
Well this weekend was a total bust. All I saw was a doe with 2 fawns and a little 6 point. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Shot a doe Sunday. Passed several small bucks already. Can't wait for a shot at a big one. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Ive been playing cat and mouse with a 8 point behind my house the past few nights. Still some daylight movement with him. Im going to set up a ground blind for him tommorow night. I'll check the cameras again then as well