My dad and grandpa have both shot bears in wi and the one was a 300lb dry sow and my dad's was a 415lb boar they both were very good! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well let's hope there will be 50 points on the bored Saturday from me. Going to gander tonight to get the last couple thing including my license. I hope we get the first frost Friday night because temps are going to dip down int the low 30's so it will be brisk Saturday AM for the opener of Wisconsin bow season! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We've been lucky the last few years; opening weekend has been really cool and the deer movement has been pretty good! Can't wait!
The weather is looking solid for Saturday. I'm planning on hunting by my house in the morning and then go over to Lafayette county in the afternoon Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
This is the one I'm going after Saturday morning. I haven't ran cameras in Lafayette county yet Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
Right across the green/Lafayette border about a mile off of hwy 81 between Monroe and argyle. It's a small pine tree farm that I've been hunting for a few years. I haven't been in there since February so we'll see how it goes Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
Well saw 3 140" + bucks in the field tonight on are way home. Thought it was kinda weird with the high winds and rain but they are still in velvet so if they keep in on for a couple more days and let me have a crack at one I could check it off my bucket list of shooting a velvet buck! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Good luck everyone!! Hoping some decent bucks decide to start coming around cam not looking so hot...
This guy I've had on camera a few times in daylight. I'm hunting in this area opening night and Sunday night but probably won't hunt him again until the end of october if I don't get him. Good luck WI Team!!!!!!!
I'll be hunting central Iowa county this weekend, I'm not sure if we have any velvet bucks but we've had pictures of some good ones. Sent from my iPhone
Good luck to everyone hunting tomorrow it's going to be a brisk 38 degrees in the AM. Will do live updates from the stand! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well it's been a slow day got out at 2:00 but still have a ways to go till it's dark so hope fully action will heat up here soon. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So i was manipulated into doing a shopping thing when i really wanted to be in the stand by 1pm...result=fresh deer poo &pushed deer while walking in at 3pm!! Gggrrrrr!