Many good tips here. Lets not forget to use every resource available though.... by this I mean our ears. Listen after the shot as well as watching. Many times on a good shot, in thick cover, you may not be able to see the deer after it runs off a bit. Most times on a good shot you will be able to hear the deer pile up, a good indicator that a long wait is not needed. Wounded deer will make noise as they flee, these sounds can help lead you in the right direction!!!
As hunters we spend a lot of time practicing, making a "bad" shot is going to happen sooner or later to all of us. It is a gut wrenching feeling when your cant locate the animal that you just shot. That's why we join forums like this and its to learn. Thanks for the post.
This is a great thing to read just before hunting season. We can all use a reminder now and then. Good hunting everyone.
I consider myself to be an above average tracker. Many others do as well apparently, as I get plenty of phone calls this time of year to get my gear and head to other properties. I have been following the rules laid out in this thread almost to a "T" for many years. The last time I remember losing a deer this website, or any website for that matter, didn't exist. I can assure you that not all of the shots on those animals were worth bragging about. Take it slow, enjoy the experience, and learn as much as you can from every opportunity your given to track this amazing animal.
I thought this was a good link to pass along. When you get down, check your arrow for indications as well. Your arrow will tell you a lot about your shot placement.
if you leave a deer all night during bow season then the meat will go bad and the coyotes will have already eaten the hole deer so waiting is not an option for me unless it is about an hour but if you make a bad shot you mine as well just stop shooting a bow.
Odd... Haven't had that problem there in Sept yet... Course we are between 8.5k and 12k or so feet...and we do get it skinned out, quartered and hung...
Damn, I thought this was a vax thread Looking at the time, my guess is the bar had just closed and he was bored, or bots are getting more sophisticated in their approach.