Hey Wes-- I agree pretty quite here lately.. I have been shooting my daily broad head round and making sure all my gear is lined out for next Wednesday. I have two does and their fawns coming in every evening to munch under our persimmon tree. The wife and I have been sitting on the porch watching them right before dark. I figure it might help her get use to the way they move when not on alert and not be so nervous come opening day. Only thing she keeps saying is we need to hang a stand in the persimmon tree! LOL
Lol.. Sounds like my kind of woman. I don't know if I'll ever get my wife into hunting. She went with me a couple of times when I lived in missouri for rifle season. Just not her cup of tea. She gets bored too easily.
Here is some eye candy for all yall. These are the top two bucks I have on cam. They are making regular appearances between 4-8pm. Have a decent chance at them if they stick to that pattern.
This will be my wife's 4th year bow hunting.. She has shot at a bunch of deer over the last three years but has yet to hit one.. She get so tore up when they show up that she cant stay on target... I was with her last year in a double stand and tried to coach her through the shot on two does and a nice 3 year old 8 point. She shot left about 2 foot in front of each deer. I told her it was time to go home since she had an empty quiver.. Was a long silent ride home! I want so bad to be there when she finally scores..
Nice.. I have to pull the chip on our first day stand this weekend.. Set it on video.. Anxious to see what is on it!
Well your just gonna have to work on getting her excited at home, then go make her shoot her bow when she is about fully excited....lol... I've been hunting since I was a little kid, so I am ok with dealing with the nerves. I get excited and have the adrenaline rush, but it doesn't affect my shooting.
I like the way you think! LMAO I think I will suggest that to her tonight! Benni's all the way around for me!
Well Idk if I want to step foot out there this weekend! Its like 80 degrees and the mosquitos havn't died yet! Get carried away out there! Just been seeing a bunch of does. I know the bucks are there though so I'm not to worried hahaha
Opening day tomorrow here in Texas. Lord willing I will be in a tree over a white oak. I took off work next week, and plan on hunting hard for 7 straight days. Good luck team, hopefully I can put some points on the board for us starting tomorrow.
Oh my... I want to come to Iowa... I hope you read the small print when you signed up for a team this year. It says that after you shoot a buck your team members have rights to your hunting spots... When is a good time for me to come by?
It will take you 3-4 years and a lot of money to get enough points to draw a tag. Plus the tags are outrageous for out of staters too. If you know Matt Bradley(formerly mbhunt) he bought his first point this year so he can come up and hunt. If you want to spend the money I am more then willing to host someone for a hunt.
Well gents, sorry me and miss Lori have been MIA, we've had a busy week. We got our marriage license today for the wedding next month and we closed on our house today. So we are officially home owners! Almost even better than that, turns out we will be able to hunt the woods directly behind our new home!! It has a mighty fine duck hole too! Lori says I'm more excited about that than the actual house haha. But how can she blame me? She's marrying a hunter!! Not a house man! I'm back at the farm tonight, heading out in the morning to get revenge on that old doe. Cross your fingers that I won't get as excited as Tony's wife haha. I plan to hunt a set of white oaks that are dropping along a field. Good luck to all that take the woods tomorrow!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Good luck to everyone going out this weekend. We still have a week here in PA. Tomorrow I have to check a few cameras, get an update on my food plot and setup some mock scrapes.
I will be hunting canadian geese tomorrow. Still too warm for me to head out in the stand. One doe and I am done for the season. I am taking my time lol.
I have some interesting and exciting news. I just got back from my morning hunt and saw 3 deer; 2 does and 1 young 4 point buck. I had no chance at a shot so I just sat back and enjoyed watching them. The buck was clearly pushing the 2 does. I saw the 2 does first, they were running and then stopped. They looked behind them and would run some more into the brush (couldn't see them after that). Then after they disappeared I saw the small buck following hot on their trail, running after them into the brush. Looks like little JR was practicing! As they say, practice makes perfect! It was a chilly morning but to early in the season (I thought) for even the young bucks to chase does.
Too early for the does, but bucks are getting frisky. I got a few shots of mature bucks starting to spar. Once the velvet comes off and bachelor groups split, they start getting antsy in their pantsy if you catch my drift.
Haha I hear you loud and clear. It was exciting to see that this morning, all I could visualize was a monster buck following close behind!
Really disappointed.. pulled the chip a little while ago on the cam I set up in front of the wife's blind. I had set it up in video mode so I was anxious to see what I caught walking the logging road.. DUH! forgot to take it out of setup mode and it set there for a week waiting for the enter key to be hit to put it back in operation mode. Went ahead and pulled the chip on the second cam I had on this set and had some pics of small buck and lots of does. Got a 9-10 am movement period that is solid everyday on this set.. Just hope one of the good bucks walks by this coming Wednesday.