Has anyone ever had a trail cam or stand stolen? I had my first trail cam stolen this weekend and of course it was my nicest one.
Off to do some tree clinbing with my Viper stand. Its been awhile so I figured I would get some practice. Bringing the bow with of course.
Sorry to hear that man. I never have but my cousin has. Only thing he could do is hide is feeder and camera better. Are you hunting public land or private? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Guys I'm starting to freak out! I haven't seen my 2 hit listers King James and Wonka. The season is slowly nearing should I worry or no?
Yea that's rough. If you get more, pay the extra money and get the thief proof lock/wires to put on the camera and start hanging them higher. I've seen where people are starting to take one stepping stick out while placing cameras so they can get up above where someone can reach.
I've caught trespassers on cam, but have never had any stolen, but I also use cable locks and small locks on the doors to deter people. It wouldn't take much to cut the door locks off, but it at least keeps the honest people honest has they say... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
No don't worry until you have a reason to. I.E. you find their carcass. They are just probably hanging out with the guys or hitting a solid food source right now.
Lets talk more after season. I just want to make sure I can contribute and am not a burden. If nothing else in early NC bow season I can film some for you. I enjoy that just as much sometimes.
Yes. Titanium cables and they will still steal them if they have access. I like the new trail cams that SMS the pics. I am waiting for a model that comes with a GPS you can track. Lock codes don't work because people forget them and their has to be a reset sequence that someone leaks. In areas that are questionable I buy second hand 50 or less cameras and keep the good stuff where someone can monitor.
Moved a stand and put up two more ladders today. Excited about all of them but we have that 20 acres covered to the hilt for any wind. One is on an inside corner and another in in a new pinch point created due to logging . Below is the food plot we planted last Sunday. The wheat, oats and clover are rolling. I was very happy with so much growth in one week. The oak trees are loaded with acorns too so we have some ol faithful stands on them. The pine in the middle of the food plot picture has a stand in it now. The deer like to cut that corner and it sits back in so there is lots of cover. I think it will produce. We will see.
Ten four, sounds good to me. I have major plans to improve the farm herd and quality of hunting there. We have the bedding, via 7 year old clear cuts. This winter I hope to continue to improve and add more food plots for better diversity of food. Also hoping to add fruit trees as well. We'll be able to work something out for sure. My classes end in early December, I'd say, if nothing else, we could make a late season hunt. December 31st is the day I killed the super eight last year! So maybe we can get on some bucks. Late season is a doe sanctuary for my farm.
I have several that are MIA also Tyler.. No need to worry yet.. seen this happen way to often.. Big buck on camera disappears only to be seen again come rut.
Agreeing with Bone Head. I only caught the Super Eight and Super Six on camera once last year, but saw them in the woods multiple times during the rut Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well a week from today I get to go shoot something. Too bad it's only dove season though. But it does mark the start of my my 2014 fall hunting season.
This weekend is salmon fishing on Lake Michigan and Monday is opening of Goose season and Teal season! God I love this time of year!!!
Chris--- I shoot one broad head tipped arrow every day at varying distance starting August 1st until the Jan close of bow season. This has been my practice routine for the last 5 years. If for some reason I miss my mark then its time to work on accuracy. Normally I am with in an inch of the spot out to 30 and 2 inches at 40. Good enough for me. I figure I only get one shot and it needs to count! This weekend I will be closing the pool and prepping stands ---the seat cushions installs- checking all the ratchet strap and pull up ropes. Also I will be setting up my Wife's new ground blind. Bought it for her birthday yesterday.. Got her a Baronette Grounder 350. She said she wanted a blind that she could stand and shoot out of. This bad boy is has a 70x70 foot print and is 80 inches tall.
Got to school in Sunday and went and scouted the game lands that my friend and I hunt and found some awesome things. First was the amount of deer traffic. There were countless tracks that we came across. Also we found that the owners of the game lands had planted food plots. It looks like a brassica, turnip, corn, and mullet mix. This is a few pictures I took of it. There are a bunch of good trees to hunt around it.