Yea, this guy has smashed all my bird feeders, got into the trash, chewed on a full can of gasoline, and he was even nice enough to leave a big steaming pile right in my front yard.
Update.... I haven't been hunting much but I did get out this evening. I didn't see a thing and was really disappointed to find that I haven't got a single deer on my game camera in 10 days. I am at a loss right now and think that I am going to leave this patch of woods alone till Nov.
Buck Magnet, I wouldn't fret the lack of pics. I'm still seeing deer on camera, but not nearly as many as I was a couple weeks ago. I think we're in that dreaded October Lull period. That and the weather has been all out of whack the past few weeks. I was in a stand near a field last Thursday, which I rarely ever hunt on fields with a bow, and had an incredible evening. 18 deer total, including 8 bucks, two of which were shooters and a 6 pointer that I swear had to be the prettiest 6 I've ever seen. Keep on em bro!
Muzzy hope you get close enough to put an arrow through one of those shooters!! I have only been out 3 times since opening day and I have not had any luck. I have not seen a deer and a squirrel crawled into my tree stand and scared the crap out of me... But tomorrow is looking like a great morning to hunt! The corn is still up which I feel is my biggest problem but it should be out by next weekend (which is my prime time weekend) so I am keeping my fingers crossed! Good luck to anyone going out this weekend!! We need to get some racks on the board team!! At least we are not in last lol Make sure to check back next Friday and I will have a great pump up speech for you going into a typicallly great weekend!! Go Get Em Boys And Gal
Hey all, it's been kinda quiet around here lately. Definately the October lull.......... I'm gonna take off work Thurs and Fri of this week and see what's happening. It's probably too early for the big guys to be out and around, but I won't know that if I'm at home. I'll also be setting up a pop-up blind that I might use the following weekend for the Youth Firearms weekend here in Missouri. Last year my youngest son got his first buck that weekend and I hope we are successful again this year. Good luck you to you all on your next hunt.
Well Im still at it after a run of bad luck. First the limb on my bow cracked and I ended up getting bad shots on a couple of deer ( turned out my arrows were hitting 6 inches to the right of where I was aiming) So I got the bow resighted and hitting dead on even with the cracked limb. Im still waiting for the new warrenty limbs to arrive. I got 2 more deer a couple of days ago. This 1st one walked straight to me offering no shot and then walked under my platform, she then gave me a 7 yard walking away shot. the arrow entered the stomach and exited the bottom of the chest, upon field dressing it I found the arrow had hit the liver, stomach, one lung and grazzed the heart and the deer didnt go 75 yards. The second one I shot about 20 seconds later , offered me a 20 yard broadside shot that resulted in a lower double lung hit. So far I havnt had the big guy come within shooting range, just some young bucks but hopefully its just a matter of time before he does Here is an example of the type of young bucks that have been walking by us Things should be starting to amp up in the deer woods around here any day if it would cool off, its gonna be 77 degrees here today
I figure that I should do a little update, last week I hunted my buddies property and in my two sits I had a big 8 point (pushing 140") bedded within 45 yards of me and couldn't close the deal. First evening I hung my Muddy sticks and was getting ready to bring my stand up when the buck stands up out of his bed in high golden rods at 30 yards. He never saw me and bedded back down, I got all set up and my buddy went to the opposite side of the field to set up and the buck spotted him. The second evening I got set up in my stand and after a few minutes of glassing I spotted his rack at 45 yards. 45 minutes later he stands up and trots off across an open field and into the woods... no reason for it at all. I will be off Nov. 2nd to the 6th so hopefully I can close the deal.
Hey guys..........I shot an 11 (that's what I am calling him because I didn't have one yet) on Monday. I will score him up soon enough and post in the scorecard thread. I should have no problem taking a doe as I have plenty of time and plenty of does..........could have shot a few already. Good luck to all those still hunting and be safe.
Congrats atlas Ok guys I havnt been on lately cause ive been in the woods everyday after a true bruin. The last weeks and a half ive been after a slob of a 9 point from what I can tell. Hes deff in the 165 to 175 range. I saw him spotting one night the next morning i had went to get permission and the older lady said yes hunt all you want just bring her and her husband some steaks. So the last three evenings ive had him in the field in front of me but the closest he came was about 52 yards. The property isnt that big maybe 35 acres if that but he beds on a hill right behind their house comes down off the hill and heads over to a hill right below a nursery and feeds their for the evening. Hees been doing this for the last week and a half every night so I think I gotta get a shot at him before the rut kicks in cause once that kicks in I prolly wont see him again.So ill be out their every evening since I cant hunt the mornings because where I walk Id spook em. goodluck to everyone still hunting.
Doe down I finally put another doe down for the points. Lets start huntin hard everyone and Where did everyone go. you guys and gals still there
Atlasman; Congrats on the dandy of a buck !!!!!!!!!!! shaneb21; Good Luck to you in the Buckeye State buckhunter1988; Congrats on the Doe Were still here just been hunting Hard, but its pooring rain and windy here today so taken the day off from the treestand.
Atlasman: I want to see this buck!!!! Not becuase I dont believe you but just because I want to see this monster and it will help our teams point total lol Good luck this weekend everyone!!! I have been passing on some doe lately but I think I might drop one
lol nevermind I just saw the link you posted..... Great deer man and fantastic story!!! Got me pumped for tomorrow!!
Yea, nice job Atlas. Congratulations. I haven't checked, is his score posted? I'm here too, just been a little tied up lately. I'm heading out this evening and will be hunting this weekend with my youngest son for the Youth Firearm season here in Missouri. I'll let him hunt as long as he wants to and then I'll take him home and then I'll climb up into the trees. Last year he punched a ticket 37 minutes into the legal day - which was perfect for him. A couple of guys that hunt the land that I hunt have seen a respectible 130ish buck in the area but haven't closed the deal. He has a brother that matches in size and there are a couple of others that I would love to punch their lungs. This week should be good, and I'm checking the weather to see which days work best before I tell the boss that I need a couple of days off from work. Good luck all. The temps are cooling, but the hunts are heating up!!
Sorry guys and lady..........haven't scored him yet as I have been working or at my cabin since. I will do it Sunday maybe if not it will have to wait until I get back from my assault on the public lands of the Buckeye state. Good Luck to all.
Sorry, guys. Had no luck in Ohio. There wasn't many deer in the woods cuz of all the rain they've had in that area and all the farmers havent been able to get the corn off the fields. The deer just wouldn't leave the corn fields. Next week I'll be in Kansas for a few days, hopefully I can get a nice buck while I'm there. Good luck to everyone and congrats to those who have put one down already.
No luck for me or my son this past weekend, or any of the other guys I was hunting with also. Didn't see any buck movement and the few doe I saw seemed pretty relaxed, at least that's what they said when I asked them. I'm taking off work this Thurs and Fri before our firearms season opens here in Missouri.