I am down with that "TAG OUT" pic if everyone else is! I think it looks really cool. I want a shirt with that on it lol
Hey guys, checking in from La., been awful hot & dry here for the last 2 months. From what I here some relief is on the way this weekend. Been running cams all summer with only small bucks, does, & babies. Probably start getting shooter pics this month, that's the way it usually is. Looking forward to a great season. Best of luck to you all!!!
Hey TC, welcome to the team. When will your season start there? I liked the Video that Lady Forge posted. Great job, especially for the first video. That buck hung around for a long time. I have the darndest time focusing on deer when they are partially blocked by trees and stuff. Let me know what editing software you used and if it's fairly easy to learn. Those arrows look too nice to shoot. I'll be scrapping together arrows from last year. I told my hunting buddy that I only need 2! Hey we need to select a team captain so I'll be the first to nominate sevi316. Something tells me he would do a great job. If anyone else want's that position please speak up. Hope you all have a nice Labor Day weekend.
I used Cyberlink Power Director and yes its fairly easy to learn. I am playing with another more advanced editing program trying to learn it also, and I currently have several sound editor and audio mixer programs that I use. Im still learning but it is an enjoyable process although sometimes a bit fustrating. Those arrows may be pretty but they are deadly , shooting 130 grain 4 blade muzzy this year with a total arrow weight of 408 grains. Those pretty pink wraps worked tremendously last year and hopefully the same will hold true for this season I vote for sevi316 as Team Captain if he wants the position
Well Welcome to the team I know what you mean by cool down.. its been up near 100 plus the aweful humidity here lately. How does it work down in LA , How many bucks can you take ? How many Doe's can you take ? Good luck on your opener !
We get 3 buck & 3 doe tags, between the wife & I we usually have a freezer full. Our lease is overrun with does, I would rather it be 2 & 4!!!
yea TC, that would fill a freezer. Here's the other buck that's been hanging around. Haven't seen much more than him and the other images I've posted.
I noticed that we are still missing a few members whom havnt checked in to our team thread yet. CHECKED IN muzzyman88 shaneb21 sevi316 tcicon ArchArrow123 Buck Magnet buckhunter1988 Lady Forge MISSING ohiohunter Atlasman Txjourneyman szairborne sevi316; So are you gonna be our Team Captain
HAHA well thanks everyone!! I will take the job but I am not sure what I need to do.... This is my first time doing this hunting contest so I will do it but I will need some help!
Glad to hear your up for it. Its not tough, make sure we all get checked in you may need to PM missing members to notify them they are on our team in case they forgot they entered, notify admin if we have no shows so our team can get an alternates for replacement, we get all our deer entered with photos and posted scores, monitor any team issues, work with admin on any other contest issues, crack the whip on us lazy bums etc are some of the duties that come with the title that I remember and Im sure there are more I left out. And have a great time its not tough and its all for fun.
Alright I will do it then unless someone else really wants to do it. We also need a sweet team name... I was thinking team Tag Out and use the awesome pic Lady Forge has as our team logo. Any other ideas?
I don't think they are going for it Deb. It must be the hearts in the corners, or maybe the shade of pink used in Kitti's bow, I don't know. So if we use the Tag Out avatar, which looks awesome to me, wonder if it's possible to get the number '9' below the word TEAM. Seems like it would fit in nicely.
Already a couple doe on the scorecard thread. I wont be able to get in the woods until last weekend of october. But thats when the big boys start runnin around! Anyone on the team get to do any huntin yet?
Lady Forge: That looks awesome! As team Capt.... .... I am declaring us Tag Out Team 9!! And I am Changing my Avatar to that lol I am actually not going to be in the woods till the end of October. I hunt 4 hours from home and gas prices suck... So I am making a long pre rut weekend
OUCH...That sucks that you cant make it to hunt till the end of October! But best of luck on your pre rut weekend Im headin out Oct 1st ( Opening day here ) but I have to take a Doe where I bowhunt before I can take a buck. But I have 2 sets of Doe's with fawns now patterened so hopfully I can connect with one of them come opening day. I am not opposed to taking a doe fawn if it presents itself. I am seeing more bucks than doe's so far this year, which is great and all.. but it makes getting that doe seem a little tougher.
Hey everyone, I like the name and the avatar. Things have been pretty slow around here, got my new Cabelas Revolution Fleece Dry Plus suit in Vertigo Grey camo in along with my new Muddy Safety harness.... got them washed and stored away. Trail cameras have been pretty slow as we had a heat spell followed by 3 days of non-stop rain. Things are finally clearing off a bit and cooling down, this weekend I will be pulling the cards on my cameras and re-filling all my mock scrape drippers. Other than that, everything is squared away for Oct.1st!