Dan, Guess I was tired last night I looked at it a few times too! Hahaha! How did Jenna make out the other day after work? Good luck Dan I hope Hecktor offers you a shot! I love this time of year!!!
I am so far behind on hunting prep this year its sad. I have been shooting some. I hardly ran any cameras this year, and still need to go check a few stands and replace some straps I'm sure. This weekend, I hope to get caught up.
My brother is at the cabin and checked a camera that I haven't in a month. Good to see that a buck we call Big 8 is still alive. I believe he's 6.5 years old this year. We don't have internet up there and little cell reception, but he was able to text me one pic he took with his phone. Here's the history we have with him.... The other 10 we believe is a 3 year old and we're hoping he can make it another year or two as well.
Last year was the first year I started getting into filming hunts, this was the first successfully filmed hunt. I now have better editing software, and more "tools" for the camera...this year should be great!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZWYLxqyeLc
Hey guys went out and filmed another guy in a camera setup last night and had that big buck once again come into shoointg range! Stood there for 5 minutes broadside looking behind him totally unaware we were there. Seen another nice shooter and a small doe but no shots taken. Headin back out again tonight to my acorn stand
Just got my tags, now I need October 1st to be here!!!! You guys check out the video? Give me some pointers!!
Checking the entries again. Too bad people can't follow directions. One guy only submits one picture and another submits the same picture twice!
I actually thought the same thing about Tom's buck....Monster Raxx. If you look closer at the photos, check out the moon. Its in different spots. Oh and yes....Big 8 is a Stud! We believe he should go 150".
Hahahaha That's what made me think it was the same picture, it looks like it's in the same spot to me. Why would anyone submit two pictures that are that close. They had to take more pictures than that.
Danno, that big 8 is a hammer. I'd put him at the 150" mark. I just scored this big guy last week (long story - he got hit by a car - found him laying in a ditch on the edge of the wildlife area). Totally sucks, b/c he was one of the deer that we were going to hunt hard. Get out the crying towel... ANYWAY, he came in at an even 140". Your buck is definitely better in the G1 and G3. Maybe in the beams too. This guy had 23.5" beams and 11" G2', for reference. I thought it was a pretty good deer for scoring comparison. This guy here is also a good measuring stick. He scored right around 155". It really doesn't look like it in the picture, but he was sickeningly massive. No palmation, just ballbats. So yeah, I'm with you at 150"+.
I saw your post about that buck Fran. Sucks he had to go like that. I agree that Big 8 is around 150". The only pic I have seen of him this year is the one I posted in your team thread. From what I hear, we have a bunch of pics of him on the card at the cabin. I can't wait to get there in the morning to see if he's grown much. I do know that he put on a 4" sticker above his right eye....according to my brother.
Yeah, it was a ****ty situation. We went to check cameras, and there were about 50 buzzards sitting in the trees along the woodline. We knew something was laying over there. Figures, it was the biggest damn buck on the mountain. It could've been worse - if he'd have crawled over onto the private property across the street, we'd have never known, and have been spreading cameras and hanging stands all over hell's halfacre looking for him. At least he did us the favor of dying in a place where we'd find him. Nothing much worse than finding out that you're hunting a dead buck. Go find another one, I guess.