Back from Ontario. Ended up not bear hunting, too damn hot and still for me. Didn't duck hunt either. Lots of rice, but the ducks weren't there yet. I did get some deer spots set up. Can't wait to get back there Oct 5! I'll be in a tree here in WI this weekend! Hector is going down! (As long as he's still on the same pattern)
I'm about to go insane waiting til Thursday to check out my cam!!! i set it up Sunday and will be out of town over the weekend so I plan on going out on Thursday to pull pictures. Right now its taking every I have to keep myself from going in after work even though its only been 2 days.
No big deal really. Only saw a few bears on camera that I would have killed, but would rather save them for out customers. If I was to happen to kill him this weekend, it would not be on film. No camera man and I want to concentrate on hunting, rather than self filming. I hit a frustrating dry streak the last couple years on mature bucks and want to end that.
A couple days after I left for Canada my dad checked the cameras on our bean field. Was happy to see another shooter show up on camera. Hopefully we can get a few more.
Well Jake, my season won't open until October 16th. I can't wait! Good luck this week end Dan it would be great to put one of those bad boys on the board!
Well good luck on dropping him Dan, I see what you're saying about concentrating on just hunting. Just give me the coordinates and I'll film you.
Just got back from the cabin. Looks like my bucks are being a little reclusive the last couple weeks. Pictures on the food plots are only showing does. But, that doesn't mean the big boys aren't there......just not in front of the camera. Should be a good weekend. May even decide to shoot a doe.......may.
I've got a busy weekend but I'm going to run up to Crivitz to set up my ground blind for next weekend. I might get a few hours to hunt. Not to optimistic since I'll have just put up the blind. But its a chance to spend some more time in the woods right.
Story for the Team Many, many years ago my friend Paul and his brother Rolland were bow hunting out in Beartown state forest in Massachusetts. There was a fresh snow on the ground and Paul liked to still hunt. He happened on another hunter on stand (back then we didn't have tree stands unless you made them out of wood). They talked for a short while and this guy told Paul he shot at a doe at first light but had a clean miss. While Paul was talking with this guy he saw his name on his license ( back then we also had to wear our license where everyone could see it). Paul went on his way and soon found a spot of blood in the snow, with no human tracks Paul started to trail the deer tracks and found more and more blood but everything stopped at a river. Paul looked at the time and he was late to meet his brother for lunch so he left. He told his brother about the blood and his brother wanted to have a look but Paul explained how it ended at a river but Roland really wanted to have a look so Paul took him to the river. Roland looked down stream and saw an antler sticking out of the water. If I remember right it was a nice 9 pointer.They field dressed the deer and found and arrow in it ( Mass. laws stated you had to have your name and address on all your arrows while out in the field) You guessed it! It belonged to the guy Paul talked to earlier. While dragging the deer out they bumped into this guy again and he told the brothers he hadn't seen anything except the doe he missed that morning. Paul and Rolland kept their mouth shut because they felt if this guy didn't know what he was shooting at and couldn't take the time to follow up his shot the he didn't deserve the deer. I do believe Paul mailed the guy's bloody arrow back to him also.
I don't like it when we are on the second page. I checked to see who got a deer so far and someone said they used a 1976 Bear recurve and in the picture he has a crossbow. I know it doesn't make any difference but jeeesh.
I'm assuming you're talking about the guy in front of the blue truck Bob? He said he killed it with his Crossbow. The recurve is listed in his signature under the crossbow. The line in there separates the post from the signature. I'll be in the woods tomorrow evening!