just got back from checking my trail cameras. Was lucky and got some new pics of the big nine i have been chasing the last two years. he just shed his velvet. this is the biggest he has been, i would say he is between 120-125. hopefully i get a shot at him this year. unfortunately season doesnt start until october 15. View attachment 9 point.BMP
Thanks for making the avitars DBB. What type of fighter do you consider yourself? Stand up or wrestler / ground & pound?
DBB.. yes I am indeed the same Mike Willand. Since you're from pretty close by I was wondering if you know who Jeff Curran is? My wife is friends with his wife Sarah.. they once taught side by side in the same school for several years before their 2 boys were born. They live not too far from us. drag n' brag.. That's a solid buck.. wish the best of luck to you to tag him.
Yes sir, I do know him, or I guess no of him. I met him up at in Rockford, extremely nice guy. Hell of a fighter and an even better trainer. That's cool your wives are friends. You ready for the almighty Illinois season to begin?
You bet man, glad you like it(avatar).Primarily grappling, but the last year I've been working on my kickboxing a lot with Rocky Troutman, world class kickboxer, hall of famer...he's helped a lot. Here's a couple fight pix...
When I was leaving work tonight there was a big doe grazing at the edge of the parking lot. Five more weeks! Brad nice work!!!!
Sure, all you guy's rub it in! I'm planning on just sitting in one of my stands and taking pictures. One thing is good I have plenty of time to mess with my bow. New string, rest and sight. I've always had a flipper rest II but just got a drop away. It's awesome!!!! It took a little while to figure out how to mount it but it's on there and works great. I have some arrows to fix.
Went this morning to a new farm and seen 4 does and a crazy racked 2.5 year old buck. Had a doe 16 yards from me at first light but she wouldnt turn broadside for the life of me. Then when she finally cleared the brush and stepped into a clear spot a bit farther away i couldnt get the rangefinder to work! Im not good at judging ranges on my own so....she lived to see another day My friend is really getting on my nerves chasing that buck of his on my other farm, now he is ruling that everyone else on the farm cant kill anything until he gets his buck. So..... I dunno what im gonna do. I already passed on shooting his deer for him and now he wants to take away from me shooting anything??? Just kinda stuck on what to do
Jenna, that's not very fair of him claiming a deer that he hasn't killed. He may never get the chance to even see it in the wild! I've never heard of that before unless he owns the land.
No he dont own the land, its his uncles and im the only person besides my friend that his uncle trusts on the property alone. I think its goofy that he is claiming a deer.... but its just a buck, plenty more out there. But saying I cant shoot the does until he kills that certain buck is just getting me a little frustrated seeing that I took time to setup stand sites, scout, buy $50 worth of corn to set cameras over, and buy 3 treestands?! Just seems like he is being a bit selfish I have another farm but the guy only can go hunting every other weekend and once a week during the weekdays. Im not allowed to go over to this place by myself yet cuz its a new property but this guy said I can shoot as many does as I want there. Just hard to find time when we can both go! OY!