Hopefully KyDeerhunter is standing over the body of a big buck right now! So whats the team name gonna be? Im probably going to make a patch or something to put on my jackets.
I'm checking in I just got back from a Wyoming antelope hunt. Im watching a good buck by my property here in new York.
Sweet DnB! Where were you antelope hunting out there? Kill one? Got any pics to share? Details man! I was out there a couple weeks ago. We hunted just south of Gillette.
Amen Bob! Team Non-stop Team OverDrive Team 4 the Hunt True Predators Team Bowcephus (sometimes you just gotta Hank it) Death from Above Team No-Ego (stole this from a mma camp i went too) Team BackCountry Just a few, lets pick a damn name! Someone throw some more out there...
Let's see. Rack Pack Deer Slayers Bushwackers Tree Climbers Hidden Hunters I like Over Drive, Back Country, and 4 the Hunt. We still haven't heard from one person Rut Junkie?
Well my season won't open until the 16th of October. I put up one of my stands and took some pictures. No deer in the pictures just woods.
Boys and Girl, I'll let you guys decide on the captain. Along with Duke, I would like it to be any of you guys that plan on being active all season long. Same goes with the name, you guys pick it. I'm game for anything! Well, I'm outta here for a week! Heading to my camp in Ontario to set up some deer stands, do a little fishing, shoot a few ducks and maybe squeeze in a bear hunt. I'll try to check in from up there, if I get a chance!
Captain and Team Name I think it would be best if we decide on a captain first. Dan and dukemichaels would like one of us to be the Captain. I think Dan suggested buttonbuckmaster. Anyone else?
Set up 3 mock scrapes this weekend. Checked the trail cam & it screwed up on me. Three weeks of nothing. All good to go now though. I'll check it again in 2 weeks, start hunting in 3. Good Luck Dan.
Whoever wants captain honors gets my vote.. I'm down with bbmaster even (he's a card carrying cardinals fan). As far as names.. I'm cool with whatever you dudes want. Danno.. good luck up north buddy!
I am F*****! Just got the call from the property owner in Knox County...and after him telling me one month ago that I would be able to hunt there for maybe 2 more years, thats it, he has sold it and I need to get all my stands out of there by the end of the month..DAMNIT! I am sooooooo pissed! Thought I would come on here and vent.
Checking in. Just checking in to see what's going on. That really sucks DrawBack sorry to hear that. Did Jenna have any luck this week end? Did anyone else have a chance to hunt? How about team captain? I think we have four (counting me) votes for ButtonBuckMaster. Team name suggestions Team Non-stop Team OverDrive Team 4 the Hunt True Predators Team Bowcephus Death from Above Team No-Ego Team BackCountry Rack Pack Deer Slayers Bushwackers Tree Climbers Hidden Hunters Team 4 on the floor Team Suck my Wake Team Hunt this!" Team Mega Super Monster Hunters RackWackers Any others?