Me no captain por favor. (sp?) With everything I do every night for this website I don't really have the time guys. As far as team names.. I'm down with.. "Team 4 on the floor" "Team Suck my Wake" "Team Hunt this!" "Team Mega Super Monster Hunters" or... (and my personal favorite) "Eleven guys and a ".
What about "Rack Pack" for a name? Dan that's a nice buck! DrawBack I work nights so I can hunt mornings. :0)
I went behind the shop this morning and put up a stand. I found a spot where there are wild grapes at the edge of a swamp and the deer have runs all through it. I've got the stand in a large White Pine (Hope that's not a mistake) over looking a small clearing between the swamp and grapes. I'll take some pics and post the later.
Howdy folks... checking in! Im Jenna and Im 23 years of wonderful age! Im hunting kentucky and ohio this year. Got one shooter on cam but sadly he is off limits for the land owner (dumb) lol but I cant complain....its the only hunting land I have that I have free access to. The ohio property is full of nice bucks so hopefully I can tag one there as well, he also has a piebald doe he said I can have dibs on if he can get me permission to hunt the property. Here is my one shooter I have on cam, but I know the property holds giants every year so hopefully things change later in the season.
I'm getting dialed in on Hector. I've got a very good idea where he's bedding and I have his evening pattern down. The last few nights he's been in our beans well before dark. Hopefully he can stay on this pattern for two more weeks!
Checking in. First year hunting with a bow for me. Setting up mock scrapes this weekend. Good luck all
Season starts tomorrow for me! Cant wait, got plenty of flat heads to test the Hoyt out on Sucks the weather is so stinkin hot...95 for the high tomorrow. Just hope I can get a shot at something early and get it taken care of before the heat gets too crazy.
DrawBack I wish I had the time and money! Jenna you go girl! I hope you have a great day!!!!!! I have to wait a month and a half.