Hey guys! I've been MIA for quite awhile. My computer **** out at the end of September and shortly after I left for Ontario for 2 weeks. That hunt was a bust. It was extremely warm the first week and then insanely windy and raining the second week. Haven't been able to get out much this fall here in WI. Trying to make the most out of every sit, but it looks like I may have to wait until late season to kill a good buck. I did have an encounter with the big 155" 8 last weekend at 33 yards. So close! I did manage to shoot a small doe this Saturday. I was going to let her walk, but my 4 year old son was coming to the cabin that day and he wanted to see a dead deer. Not a good picture, but you get the idea.
nice doe Dan, cool to see the fam! Also...BADASS picture of the wolf on your back! I would give my left nut to go on a wolf hunt. As far as the buck i shot guys, he scored 117 3/8...Not what I had seen myself shooting at the beginning of the season, but the 18 lbs I got from that 80 lb fawn wasnt cutting it. None the less, he's a decent buck and when I seen him, I wanted him. Would do it all over again, big body, healthy, good eating! Tenderloins were AMAZING! I'll be out west trying to find that big bastard this weekend!
Thanks man. My family is the most important thing in my life. That's actually my brother in law in the pic. I did shoot it, but made him carry it out.
Leaving tomorrow am at 3 to be in the stand by 545, nice to be able to go hunting during the week, but now I'm out of work, company is closing the doors,30+ years of being in business, family owned, and now it's all over... Army might be calling my name again! It's all good though, everything happens for a reason. Looks like I'll be spending more time in the timber! Now, if I could just make a living doing this!
I really gotta find some new property... Hopefully next year I will be on a 300acre tract and the only one legally allowed! Had another 12hr sit and saw 2 doe at about 60yards and got busted by the first one about 10min before end of day. It's ok, they were heading off the mountain away from me. Rifle season opens on Monday. I am taking vacation days all next week and will be in the woods with my bow for atleast 5 of the next 7 days! At this point if I even tag a doe on this property it will he considered a successful season.
In the last two days all I've seen four coyotes. So last night I moved to a different spot. I set my stand in my tree then made a drag about 100 yards out from my stand using Tink's 69. By the time I climbed the tree and got all settled in I had two does about 75 yards away hit the drag trail and got all fidgety and then went back to where they came from. I didn't see anything else until it was dark, of course, I already sent my stuff down with the rope and I was just getting ready to climb down the tree. I think it was a four point (couldn't really see in the dark but could count four white tips) he hit the drag trail and came in right to where I started the drag by my stand. So I guess the bucks like 69 and the doe don't.
Got my first buck, but it was with a gun. Sorry it doesn't count here. I'm going to bet out a couple more times with the bow.
Went out for a full day sit today. Decided to take my bow instead of my rifle. Had a 4pt come through at about 60yards. I think he was hot on scent of a doe because I had estrus out and the wind was blowing from me across him and he could of cared less. Nose to the ground and on a mission. Mad at myself for not taking my rifle though. He even stopped where I would of had a perfect shot.