Awesome bucks jake and mike!!!!!!! Got new property last week, 140+ acres and it's insanely nice property!! Looks like I won't be able to get out there till about 10 Nov. or later, harvest season is crazy busy!!!!
I've checked out a couple new area's these past couple day's. One looks good and the other has someone else hunting it, it's a small area so I'll leave him alone. I put a stand in the other area though. So I have three good spots to choose from now.
How's everyone's hunting going haven't heard from some people in quite awhile Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
They are talking a inch of snow in Massachusetts for morning. You know where I'll be!!!!!!! Sent from my LG-P925 using Tapatalk
Go get'em Bob. All I can do now is stare at my phone kinda get bored since I filled my tag. I will still get a doe tho. But kinda bored waiting on pheasant and goose season Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
Well drawback. I will tell u a little story about my buck. Last year I seen two nice bucks on the land I was hunting one didn't offer a shot and the other caught wind of me when the wind changed. So last year I ate my tag as a nasty sandwich. Then that land got sold so I was on the search for new land. I got ascess to about 80 acres of timber across from my house. I know there are a lot of deer in there because I see them in my yard everynight. The land has horses on it. So early Aug I was scoouting the woods put out some corn and set cams. First card I pulled had 1300 pics and I was like hell ya only to be let down because it was all horses. So I was on a quest to keep the horses out of the corn and off my cameras. Then my first pic wad a nice little wide 8. Then the rest of the month all I seen was doe's. So I keep telling my self they will bring in the bucks. My season opens on Sept. 19. Three days before the season opens I had 3 nice 8s standing together eating on cam. Never seen them again. So thats how my season has been couldn't find any trails because the horses had trails everywhere and the deer used them also. Every sit I seen does morning and night. They came in from every direction. Then one morn I seen a spike and that was the only buck I seen in my stand kinda disappointed now. So fast forward to last weekend I called in sick on Friday to hunt sat all morning and all evening and seen two does and about 50 turkey. That sucked. Well my sat was busy siding my house wishing I was hunting. So I tell the wife I going sun morning then we will side the house when I get home about 1030 thats when the help was coming over. So sun came sitting in the stand a hear something behind be it was a bunch of turkeys so I was watching them a 3 doe came running by I was like what the hell spoked them. Then about 45 min later I was getting bored and itching for a smoke so I checked the wind and lite a smoke. Took about two drags and seen movement to my left hurried up and put it out. It was a buck coming in. So I picked up my bow as he came in he stoped to my left in the creek one side of it was 30 yards and the other was 40 as I was shaking reaching for my range finder he was standing broadside as I put my hand on the finder he started walking closer so I put the finder down and let him come. He stoped behind some small trees and was just looking around no shot. I was shaking so bad and talking to my self saying don't move and hope he don't spook and walk away. Then he started to move behind a tree and I drew he was at 20 yards broadside then I shot he ran to 30 yards and fell over. I was sitting there watching him and he fell staring at me. He was the first buck I had ever takin with a bow. So I called my wife and she said um please tell me u got your buck or fell out of your stand b Cause you never call u always text while hunting and I said I got him. So needless to say I didn't get any siding done. Well thats my story. And a happy one. Good luck guys and gals. Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
Started out as a real shetty morning. I didn't set my alarm properly so it didn't go off and I got up an hour late. I decided to hunt my stand out behind where I work. When I got there some people were working so my truck would stick out in the lot and I didn't want any curious eyes so I drove into the woods. It turns out that I parked about 75 yards from my stand. I rushed and left my pack in the truck. Sitting in the stand I could see my truck and figured I wouldn't see any deer but I had a plan and I would stick to it. At 8 am I planned on using a rattlebag. I always thought these were a gimmick but others say they work so I'll try it. Used it for a minute waited five minutes then rattled a little more them waited then rattled a little more then waited. I was disgusted, I didn't like seeing my truck, didn't believe in the rattle bag and was pissed I was late. I decided to leave. I went to get up and between me and my truck stood a deer. I couldn't tell if it was a buck or doe because it's head was in the branches of a tree. I could tell it was looking in my direction so I didn't move. It pussy footed around for about 15 minutes and never gave me a shot. If I had brought my pack I know I could have grunted him in. So I learned the truck does not bother them, rattling works, always bring my pack and never give up. It ended up being an awesome day!
Well guys....I dont know if I am gonna be of any help. Just lost my bowhunting property due to me catching my "friend" in a lie about the landowner saying nobody could hunt there...then drove by and seen his truck in the hunting area. Then he posted pic on facebook right in the stand we hung during the summer......yadda yadda yadda Went and checked my trail cam on the property Friday and the lock was busted off....then he told another guy who hunted there that he has been looking at my SD cards. So he has been deleting pics off my cams, stealing SD cards, stealing bow hangers out of my stands, sabotaging my trail cams over my corn pile by loosening the strap and turning it away from the corn, and now making up lies about me bringing strangers onto this property without asking?! Been texting him and messaging him and he hasnt answered for 3 I am pulling my stands and probably stuck gun hunting the rest of the season on my 45 min away properties. If you want you can replace me with another if you like, Im gonna be hoofing it out on some archery only public land if I want to bow hunt. Gosh...this day sucks
That sucks having to deal with people like that KY. I'm in my stand right now. The deer are smarter than me, here I am freezing and they're probably still in their beds. Sent from my LG-P925 using Tapatalk
Yeah that sucks, we don't need to replace you, just try and have some luck on public ground or find other property. S*** happens! Ps.. I would take a crowbar to that pricks face